Exclusive 132: The Real Woodsman's Music

5 months ago

Featuring Lonesome River Band and Slippery Creek.

Bluegrass was originally known as 'Mountain Music' and came from Appalachia and surrounding areas of the American east. (We can thank black slaves and immigrants for the banjo.) Bluegrass, aka Mountain Music, is indigenous to the eastern Appalachian area of the United States and reflects a very specific, but diverse history and culture, including so many aspects of real connection to nature, the mountains, true survival, bushcraft, and woodsman life. People born and raised in these regions, unfortunately, are often completely ignorant to their own heritages and often adopt western heritages and trends, believing they reflect their own culture. They do not. They are distinct. Popular country music reflects the life of the western United States - deserts and cowboys. Bluegrass (mountain music) on the other hand reflects the life of Appalachia, where a deep intimacy once existed between our ancestors, the mountains, the land, and everything needed for life.

Join our online community at thepracticalwoodsman.locals.com, or download the Locals.com app from the App Store and search for The Practical Woodsman within. Livestreams there on Saturdays when I'm able.

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