Why the Sun sets and rises into the Oceans

6 months ago

From the Flat Earth Science: 30min lecture by Dr Steven Alonzo

1) Celestial Sphere and Astronomical Perspective
2) Sunsets and the Setting/Rising below Horizon into Land/Water
3) Compasses on Radial/Toroidal Magnetic Fields
4) Guass's Law of Gravity on an Infinite Plane
5) 24hr Sun at Union Glacier Camp in Antarctica on December 2024
6) Using Stellarium to Debunk the Globe Model

Model: https://model.flatearth.university/celestialsphere
Academic Research: https://journalofgeocentriccosmology.org/publications/
Flat Earth Science Textbook: https://shop.journalofgeocentriccosmology.org/

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