Ex-CIA Director Marks Tenth Anniversary Of Obama's Tan Suit Scandal

4 months ago

Posted • August 29, 2024: Some things are repeated so many times that it becomes impossible to distinguish myth from fact. For Democrats, that myth is that President Barack Obama led a scandal-free administration — his biggest scandal was wearing a tan suit. During a campaign speech in 2019, Joe Biden said, "The thing I’m most proud of is that I served with a man where we went eight years without one hint of scandal — not one, not one!" Except for the tan suit. David Priess @DavidPriess: “Ten years ago today: President Barack Obama appeared at a White House press conference wearing a tan suit. A TAN SUIT. This was, and remains, the greatest scandal in presidential history—if not in all of human history.” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GWETqhAXYAANiV-?format=jpg&name=large -- You fucking clown. Let's talk about the Obama administration and scandals. 51 former intelligence officials agree. David Priess was one of those 51, apparently.

That and the 16 year old kid he murdered. He droned a wedding party. But you don't care about that. —Fast&Furious —Benghazi —IRS Targeting —ISIS as JV —ProjectCassandra —Taliban5 & Bergdahl —VA Waitlists —NSA Spying —ClintonEmailServer —DOJ Wiretapping Journos —Awful Iran Deal —Steele Dossier Hoax. That's a start. Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress over Fast & Furious. And whatever happened to that filmmaker they dragged off in the middle of the night for making the video that caused the spontaneous riots? And why did the White House whitelist Hillary Clinton's homebrew email address? The list just goes on. We'd forgotten about the pallets of cash flown to Iran. Hey, turns out he did sign the Russian disinformation letter. Read between the lines with this Dude. He argued that just because he signed a document that Joe Biden & the entire media used to say the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation didn’t in the least mean it was Russian Disinformation.

David Priess is one of the 51 “intelligence officials” that said days before the election that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”. He is also the Author of the book “how to remove a President” (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Ex-CIA Director Marks Tenth Anniversary of Obama's Tan Suit Scandal

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