Severe Mechanisms of Action In the Covid "Vaccines"

1 month ago

Professor Educates Public With New Book; Adverse Effects: A Critical Review of COVID Vaxgenes

Professor, Researcher and expert in immunology, infectious disease and virology, Dr. Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse creates a new term, Vaxgenes, in her new book for the mRNA "Vaccines" which she believes is more appropriate. Her new book was written for people to understand what they have taken into their bodies and the mechanisms of action that cause these adverse events.

Dr. Acevedo Whitehouse discussed recently with Dr. McCullough about the four of these vaxgenes mechanisms of action that cause damage in the body:

1. Auto-Inflammation and Auto-Immune conditions
2. Hyper proliferation leading cells to a more sort of mitotic atmosphere atmosphere that can lead to cancer
3. Endothelial disruption
4. genomic instability and cellular proliferation

They also discussed the shameful failure of the medical community to not question and allow for scientific investigation into potential harms. These harms that were apparent early in 2001 have finally received wider acceptance but only after doing much damage.

"I mean science, the knowledge that we have evolved. It's not an abstract concept. And it's not something independent of what we as scientists do. So that's why I think we really need to be ashamed of what we've allowed as a profession to occur."

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