Rabbi Cherki's Guide to Genesis - Practical Principles in Torah Study | Part 3

6 months ago

Welcome to the third chapter of our series, "Rabbi Cherki’s Guide to Genesis - Bridging Ancient and Modern Worlds." In this episode, Rabbi Oury Cherki explores the foundational principles of Torah interpretation. He emphasizes the necessity of understanding each verse within its unique context, highlighting the timeless rule: "There is no early or late in the Torah." Rabbi Cherki elaborates on how each verse should be studied in isolation before connecting it to subsequent verses, ensuring a comprehensive and profound comprehension of the text.

In this session, you will learn how to differentiate between the 'literal,' 'meaning,' and 'interpretation' of the Torah, according to Rashi and other great Sages. Rabbi Cherki challenges common misconceptions and discusses the significance of knowing the Torah as it is, without external influences, and how this approach is crucial in a world that often distorts the sacred texts. This chapter continues to bridge the gap between ancient prophetic understanding and modern approaches to Torah study, offering a rich perspective for scholars and students alike.

Join us to delve deeper into the Hebrew Bible and uncover the methods of authentic Torah study that resonate throughout generations.

Stay tuned for the next episode in this series, coming soon...

Part 1

Prat 2

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