Mama Max catches online child predators only there's nowhere to send them

6 months ago

It's up to We the People America to defend Our Children!

Police have no duty to protect and quite frankly they suck anyway.
They obviously do not know the law or do not care to know the law
Either way they do not know their duties nor the Constitution, nor their job description
or they wouldn't be shooting Americans in the face in their own kitchens!
So fuck em' the police have absolutely no duty to protect nor do We the People need or want their services either!
They are the perpetrators half the damn time anyways!
The sad reality is that America no longer has a front line to turn to after COVID-19
See: Steven Jackson's Illuminati Card Game Deck=covidiots.
The police, the FBI, and CIA are all sub mafia departments of the CRIME BOSSES the BANKS themselves getting PAID through numerous ways for stealing, raping, and organ harvesting children.
New Jersey Hospital found draining the blood of a 1 day old infant
These are vampires!
They feed off of the life force of Our youth and Our labor!
What is it going to take for you American People to wake up?

These are not Judicial Courts. these are judiciary administrative Hearings with their bought and paid for mafia their thugs the police which We the People never authored into law.
Therefore they cannot be LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS because We the People never authorized POLICE ever!!!
We authorized ONE MAN as SHERIFF for the ENTIRE COUNTY and that is ALL!!!
That is it People!
That Sheriff today takes his Oath to a crime boss mafia corporation
NOT TO We the People!!!

This is not The United States of America and to Our Republic for which we stand.

What you're witnessing through mass media is all programming
they only tell you what the MAfia CORPORATION wants you to know and see what they want you to see.
True Media is found through platforms created by genuine Americans who dare speak truth.
Americans like you who have cared to find this channel.
We are living in a day in age where everything that we were taught was lies and these single points of introspection can be shared
even a small fractal of light to bring real attention to these realities that it's going to take each and everyone of us to be on the look out for children and their company.
Just last night I was at a target store and saw what looked to be very shocking activities in the parking lot
SO much so I stopped and started filming and as soon as I did one of the perps drove off in a hurry and the other one was too whacked out of his chord to realize that I was filming.
His white truck parked closely to a grey suv where a mom a auntie and two very small children were seen in their panties while the ogre white weirdo dude had his nose sniffing all around those young girls.
As I stay filming the Auntie poked her head out to see me filming and the little girl was let out of the side door of the car and they scooped her up and left by the time I got back to the car.

Instances like these are becoming all too current and these police have absolutely no duty to protect.
It is up to We the People
The 2nd Amendment well regulated Militia all Americans 15-65
it's up to us to stop these crimes from happening!

If you or someone you know is dealing with a pedophile
You should call the coroner instead of the police
I guarantee it's more effective.

There is no help for victims of CSA
or molestation

The only way to honorably deal with these instances is to deal with them by defending yourself!
point blank -
fucking period!

Happy to restore the real Press
as Affirmed Director of Communications for the 1774 original jurisdictional union.

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