6 months ago

The "Powers-that-be" at YouTube did not like this video and they attatched a "disclaimer" to it. How dare you call "Con-Trails" "CHEMTRAILS!" They eventually supressed the video by HIDING it. Whenever something is "censored" you can figure the material is more likely true than not! That is the "way of the World!"

Any thoughful person who does a little research for himself will recognize "contrails" as water vapor emitted by jet engines. They normally disappear quickly. I have a handfull of those. But "CHEMTRAILS" are different. They are deliberately sprayed in criss-cross patterns in the upper atmosphere, then expand to form a fog and are of questionable value in terms of health. You can do your own research. But here we can see what these trails look like in our TIME-LAPSE Video clips.

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