Hitler's Peace Plans Part 7

1 month ago

"The followers of the [National-Socialist] movement, and indeed the whole nation, must be reminded again and again of the fact that, through the medium of his newspapers, the Jew is always spreading falsehoods and that, if he tells the truth on some occasions, it is only for the purpose of masking some greater deceit, which turns the apparent truth into a deliberate lie. The Jew is the Great Master of Lies. Falsehood and duplicity are the weapons with which he wages war. Every calumny and falsehood published by the Jews are tokens of honour which can be worn by our comrades. He whom they decry most is nearest to our hearts and he whom they mortally hate is our best friend. If a comrade of ours opens a Jew-owned newspaper in the morning - and does not find himself vilified therein, then he has spent the previous day to no account. For, had he achieved something, he would have been threatened, slandered, derided and abused."
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

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