Wade at Premier Jacinta Allen's office, highlighting her criminal actions - 29/8/2024

6 months ago

Today’s live is bought to you from the Victoria’s Premiers Office Jacinta Allan in her state seat of Bendigo East.

Today Farmer Wade highlights many of the criminal actions that the Premier is involved in and has been involved in for a long time.

This report is part of Farmer Wade and Billboard Battalion’s ongoing public campaign to make the people of Australia aware of the crimes that are being committed against them by our filthy politicians who make legislation and bring in rules and regulations that will dispossess people of their farms, their houses, their properties and will forcibly inject them with lethal biological weapons that are wrongly called vaccines and they will also bring in permanent lockdowns.

All these things combined are intended to cost you your life as they overall plans that these politicians are working towards is population reduction ie. mass murder and genocide.

Farmer Wade also calls on Victoria Police and Australian Federal Police to start arresting and prosecuting these criminals where the evidence is so blatantly obvious and overwhelming that we can only conclude that police high command is covering up these crimes and not letting our rank and file cops arrest these killers.

This right now is the last ditched effort for peaceful and democratic continuity in our country and for our lives. We must as the population and we the people engage in the proper peaceful political democratic process and fight with everything we have to maintain peace and security and freedom and safety for all Australian’s.


Get behind Billboard Battalion and Farmer Wade even if you don’t like politics.

Even if you don’t have time or resources to help.

Get motivated and active and help us and support us now.

Your life and your families whether they live or die very soon, now depends on what you do.

Your inaction and apathy will guarantee the end of your kids, and your grandkids lives.


They have already murdered and maimed millions.
We know this, this is not conjecture.
This is not opinion.

The dead, maimed and injured from what these politicians have done are very real and very here.

The legacy of our apathy is our kids future, or more importantly if we are apathetic, lazy and don’t want to know about it, we are signing off on the death of our kids very soon.

Farmer Wade
Billboard Battalion
Bendigo, Central Victoria
Thursday 29th August, 2024

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