Robyn Rant Teaser #2 - "Coming from A Bad Childhood" ?

4 months ago

Damaged Dad's 38 yr. old daughter, Robyn, has been spouting off on Instagram that she had a bad childhood.

Damaged Dad holds 18 years of photos and videos of his darling daughter growing up mostly in a single parent situation.

In this "Robyn Rant" teaser, we see Robyn and her Dad, Damaged Dad, presenting the children's story time at the Sunday celebration of the Salvation Army Southmount, Vancouver church.

Damaged Dad was also the Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Campaign Co-ordinator for Vancouver and broke fund raising records 3 years in a row.

Coming soon, the full documentary, "Robyn Rant" where you can decide for yourself if Robyn really had a bad childhood.

How do you think a parent feels when their 1st. born child is ungrateful?

Damaged Dad is also an ordained Reverend.

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