There Will Be No Jewish Kingdom Without Jesus Christ

1 month ago

Jesus gives a very accurate prophecy about the 5th Kingdom trying to build an earthly empire, without Jesus Christ. I can promise you, this will NEVER happen! For all of you that think the Bible is an outdated book and no longer relevant to "modern man", you really need to step back and look outside of the bubble you live in. There ARE powerful people in this world, that are trying to bring in a New World Order. The Bible said that these things would happen, and myself and others have proven it over and over again. - Bryan Denlinger, King James Video Ministries


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(Note: I'm NOT against the real, common Jewish people in Israel, neither are any of my sources. We as King James Bible-believing Christians support Israel's rights to their land as the Bible teaches. What we are warning about are the Zionist, higher-up, corrupt Jews working with the Roman Catholic political system that will bring a lot of death and tyranny to Christians who believe Jesus Christ is God, and the rest of the common people.)



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