Strength and Love Heals All Energy Vlog

6 months ago

Strength and Love Heals All Energy Vlog title is from the date August 28, 2024 thus giving us 44 the master number for the master healers Yeshua adn Quan Yin. it also adds to Eight the strength card telling us to be strong and brave as we face our inner beast. Love is from the Divine abundance oracle deck. telling us that love conquere s all in the l the law of one love is the first creation.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News showed usjust the line graphs with an amplitude power of 16 at 12:00 AM UTC Thus the hanged man changes his perspective on the Towers failure bringing death and destruction. The quality power is 11 the justice card may it be true fair and balanced. The Frequency average is 7.80 hertz thus the Devil with addiction and Obsession to enslave you to his evil .
Therefore, we can say: Strong and brave we must be as thetower of oursociety fails but perhaps we can find Justice as we face the devil with strength and bravery.
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