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"If we save the banks we save the world" 😂

5 months ago

"If we save the banks we save the world" 😂. Just goes to prove that Greta is as dumb as a box of rocks...



  • 0/2000
  • That is the funniest statement I have heard in years! To believe such a thing is the height of diabolical ignorance. It would be a better world for if the mind controlled could speak only as often as they think. That would be a massive soothing silence I can only dream of.

    1 like
  • why does that brat have a microphone & an audience

    1 like
  • What did they do to that childs mind?

  • We shouldn't have to "Save the banks." These are supposed to be people that are experts and managing money. These are deliberate crisis' that are just about pumping and dumping, knowing that the American taxpayer will be there to replenish the till for the next harvest, at our expense. Make them accountable for their own losses and start liquidating their assets to recoup from their bad choices and see how fast they "figure it out." Start seizing their prime real estate or a superyacht or two. They'll get responsible with your money, real fast.