8/28/24 we pray over three prophetic words.

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A word from the Lord from Pastor Mark Filkey in Stockton California.


For Dad‘s broadcast
Subject: Renaissance Dream, Rocki

I had a dream that the whole world was wearing wedding garments. Every nation on earth was standing outside, looking up; men wore tuxedos and women wore white wedding gowns with bouquets of flowers. The whole earth was preparing to say wedding vows to the Renaissance, a new time, new era, we were marrying a new age on the Earth that was to begin now. An Angel was standing in the sky with a trumpet and a scroll in his hands. The angel was going to read the wedding vows, and the whole earth would repeat what the angel said, line for line, saying the wedding vows of the new age. Then the Angel blew his trumpet for the great event to begin.

I was waiting with others from the church, the people of God. We were all dressed in our wedding garments, and my wedding gown was beautiful. The event proclaimed by the Angel of the Lord was ready to start.

I saw a young man, a believer, who had decided to ride his skateboard on a whim across the street, down a few blocks from the church, on Ocean Avenue; and he caused an accident between a bus and a car. He was not dressed in his wedding garments, and he wasn’t ready for the Heavenly event. The police detained him and put him in a detention facility. The police were discussing letting him go because of the auspicious occasion going on outside.
I stood in the midst of a long line of brides and grooms in front of the Church. The whole earth was about to begin saying the Heavenly wedding vows in unison at any moment.

It was uncertain if the man would be able to get free from jail and change his clothes in time, or make it to the ceremony in time. This was the event you did not want to be late for.

A New Breed of Mighty Breakers and Peace Makers
August 28, 2024 Veronika West

From the IDH War Room this morning — 28 August, 2024.
”A new breed of mighty Breakers and Peace Makers are rising with the Sword of The Key of The House of David to open and shut doors over Nations — in The Valley of Decision!”
References :
“To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write . . . who holds the KEY OF DAVID”! Revelation 3:7.
“Dragon Circles…..” Revelation 12
“Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.” Matthew 10:34.
Watch! For a New Breed of Mighty Breakers and Peace Makers are rising in the Governing Power and Authority of the Key of the House of David.
We — as the Ecclesia — are called to legislate in this hour as Living Keys standing before Living Doors — in the midst of Nations in the Valley of Decision!
A Vision

I saw a Mighty Army gathering in the Valley of Decision — and I saw the Scales of Justice and Judgement lifted high over The Nations.
And I saw A fierce Battle of Warring and Contending from the Ecclesia, which was powerfully effecting and impacting what was happening in The Court Room of Heaven over The Nations which were at a Divine Tipping Point.

I saw the Scales of Justice and Judgement moving and beginning to shift as the Army were warring and contending.
Suddenly I saw a Sword come out of the heavens — like a Stake — and it deeply pierced and penetrated the ground.
Then I heard, ”It’s time to Stake the Ground and Take the Gate!”
The Sword, I knew by The Spirit, was the Sword/ Key of the House of David, and I saw that the Sword had the Word “PEACE” (5 Letters/ 5-Fold; The Ecclesia — called to Govern and Legislate for PEACE on the Earth) engraved upon its blade.
I then saw Seven Jewels encrusted upon the handle of the Sword, and again I knew by Revelation, that the Seven Jewels were the Seven Eyes of the Seven Spirits.
And I heard these Words, ”Its time for My new breed of mighty Breakers and Peacemakers to take up The Sword of Peace — and to turn The Key of The House of David!
I say — It’s Time for the New Breed of Mighty Breakers and Peace Makers to take up the Sword of the Seven Spirits — having Seven Eyes — and Stake the Ground and take the Gate, and occupy territory!
The Sword of the Peace Maker shall bring a divine confrontation to the kingdom of darkness, and The Sword in the hand of the Peace Makers, shall pierce the head of the serpent spirit of Revelation 12 — for the Time of Birthing is now at hand!”
The Vision shifted to where I saw many in the Rising Army, walking up and standing before The Sword in the ground, but I saw that many were unable to take up The Sword — the Weight of the Anointing, Power and Authority of The Sword was too heavy! ( I saw a Divine Distinction beginning to take place. )
I heard, ”This is a Gideon moment; — for only the Pure in Heart — only the Sold-Out Ones — can take up The Sword of The LORD — The Key of The House of David!”
This was about True Identity!
The Sword was Alive, Living and Powerful. The Sword carried the Power and Authority of the Seven Dimensions of the Spirit of God the Lion of Judah.
The Sword recognised and responded to the Sons — to those walking in the Revelation and Understanding of True Sonship.
Only Bond Servants and Sons qualified to take up The Sword of The Seven Spirits — those who loved not their own lives, even unto death.
A Divine Selection process was underway.
A Testing Time — a Weighing and Measuring of Maturity, Purity and Humility.
This is not about the outward appearance — about physical stature or man-made positions and titles, but about the pure in heart who shall see Him — purified vessels qualify to carry and wield The Sword of The Seven Eyes of The Seven Spirits!
True sonship identity is powerfully connected to The Sword — and The Sword is connected to The Scales of Justice and Judgement.
The Courtroom of Heaven is the place of Legislation and Governance.
Only Sons, walking as Servant Kings, qualify to carry The Sword that effects, impacts and moves The Scales.
Only those who have tarried in The Place of Ascension, qualify carry the greater measure of Glory.
But Watch! For the Time of Testing, Sifting and Divine Separation came to battle weary soldiers in the midst of warring and contending for The Destiny of Nations.
Would they seek to have their own needs met first, or would they seek the Will and Purpose of God first?
I hear these Words: ”How long will you falter between two opinions? This is a Mount Carmel moment for nations! Many are called — but few are chosen!”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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