Despicable, Biased Media: Watch How (D)ifferently CBS News Covers Trump vs. Harris On Taxing Tips

6 months ago

Posted • August 28, 2024: This isn't the first time CBS News has taking a completely different tone on the notion of not taxing tips for service industry workers. A couple of weeks ago, we showed you how the headlines were night and day, depending on which candidate was floating the policy. But here is video of how not taxing tips is (D)ifferent (read: good) when Kamala proposes it. Trump proposes no tax on tips vs. Kamala proposes no tax on tips. CBS is a joke. Get that? When Trump said it, it was a bad idea that would add to the deficit. Kamala proposes the same thing and it's amazing! It'll help waitresses buy houses and pay off student loans! All hail Kween Kamala! Ugh. Had we lived in a time where the media was truly unbiased - our entire country would be completely different right now. They are ground zero for many of our nations problems currently. Which is why they do what they do.

CBS is trash media. Absolutely trash. Yea she is copying Trumps policies because she doesn't have any policies besides communism. She is a commie. For sure. Conveniently leaving out that Kamala cast the deciding vote on THOUSANDS of new IRS agnts to monitor tipped employees. Going after “millionaires”? No- because they have lawyers to fight the IRS. They’re going after the ppl without the resources to fight back. They must've forgotten. We didn't. -- This should be calculated as an in-kind donation to the Democrat party. Absolutely should be. Because it is. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - DESPICABLE, BIASED Media: Watch How (D)ifferently CBS News Covers Trump Vs. Harris on Taxing Tips

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