Satanic NWO Exposed in Alfred Hitchcock Movie in 1942 entitled Saboteur

6 months ago

Date production of video began 05/22/7005* [5784] 7th day of the week/Shabbat [07/27/24]

My name is Phil Sanders. I am a 2nd coming Messianic/Mashiyachiy/Mashiyakian; I grew up in traditional Christian doctrine as a southern Baptist. I was immersed underwater in the southern Baptist organization before or at the age of 12, which is too young for a child to make an adult commitment to Yahvshua the Mashiyach. You MUST be an adult to make that commitment to become a follower of Yahvshua our savior (See note down below with + sign by it). When I became an adult and was able to speak for myself (Yahn 9:21; Shemoth/Ex. 30:14), I was immersed underwater in the Worldwide Church of God at age 27 years old. After WCG broke up, I was lost for a time, questioning everything I was taught. In my search, I believe that EL SHADDAI through HIS Ben Yahvshua led me to HIS Hebrew name (Mishley/Proverbs 30:4); Yud Hey Vav Hey/YHVH/YaHVeH and the Hebrew name of HIS Ben YaHVsHua or YaHVsHa. The names I grew up with when I was young I found out were not EL SHADDAI’s name at all, but were titles and pagan titles and names at that, and HIS name isn’t Ha`Shem, which in English means “the name”. The point I’m getting to is that the Glad News of Yahvshua the Mashiyach, since the time the Body of Yahvshua was founded (Acts 1; 2), began being taught in the Hebrew root (Rev. 5:5), and not a Greco Roman understanding, which has eschewed the path of understanding of how the Body of Yahvshua is to walk. Even the Gentiles at the beginning were walking in the same path the emissaries/apostles taught (1 Cor. 11:2), which included the teaching of YaHVeH’s times and laws (Dan. 7:25). This brings me to this point. Mashiyach and neither did the emissaries do away with YaHVeH’s zero visibility new moons Abib Calendar (Shemoth/Exodus 12) and the Sabbaths (Yechizki`Yah/Ezek. 20). In order for you to be in the time (your clock synchronized) frame of the ALMIGHTY’s times, you MUST enter HIS weekly 7th day Sabbath an annual appointed times (V`yakra/Leviticus 23).

+ Remember Yahvshua our Savior was twelve years old teaching (Luke 2:42 – 46) in the 2nd Heykal/Temple, He was already anointed before even in Miryam’s/Mary’s womb (Luke 1). Later in His thirties He was immersed by Yahn the Immerser (Yahn 1; Mat. 3:13), who was another already anointed before he was in his mother’s womb. There is always an exception, because ultimately YaHVeH ALMIGHTY determines in the womb whom HE will use and draw to HIS Ben Yahvshua for HIS purpose (Yirmi`Yah 1:5; Yahn 6:44).

You can visit this website I manage in the name of Yahvshua Ben YaHVeH and read articles to help you better understand:

This video is meant to expose the unfruitful works of darkness, and also the goal of this video is to motivate people to research and study the Set Apart Scriptures and unlearn the doctrines and traditions of men (Mark 7:7). To help people understand that the “lost sheep of the House of Yisrael” is filled with those who have been taught Christian doctrine. No, I don’t hate Christians, I live around them and I was born into a Christian family. They can be some of the best people to live and work around because of the moral and civil principles taught in the Scriptures they live by, as well as many who were brought up in Judaism (House of Yudah). Listen. I don’t claim to be anyone special or a nabiy/prophet. I struggle with sin/my flesh just as much (Hebrews 12:1) as the next person, who has been called by YaHVeH to HIS Ben Yahvshua (Yahn/Yohn 6:44); so don’t think I’m looking my nose down on anybody whose watching this video or anybody in general. You will know when the ALMIGHTY is calling you to HIS Mashiyach. For me it’s like an alien abduction. This is how I explained it to my wife. Do you remember or have you seen the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind? No, not the flashing lights or having a UFO over top of you with lights so bright it burns your skin. I’m talking about the main character played by Richard Dreyfuss. He couldn’t get it out of his head to get to that mountain, well, our mountain to get too is to seek out and enter into the Mamlakah/Kingdom of YaHVeH (Mat. 6:33).

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