6 months ago

Thats how the Elite trick & play Alt-Media constantly. Its a game of psychopaths, I know from personal experience.
First 1:24:00 is me speaking, the rest is media clips.
The Bill Gates Pavlov Response segment is at end of vid, after music outro. Bill Gates salivates when speaking of Ebola- odd.
32:00 Minutes- I read some of the prophecies from books, & show the books, so you get an idea of what I look at- what is relevant today.
1:05:45- January 2021, they gave an innuendo about killing Kamala.
1:07:25- Dealt with agents & agencies for 30+ years, yet Alt-Media thinks IM BEING PLAYED by the FBI, when the reality is they have played your sorry asses. I LITERALLY am- & have- pointed them out, & you believe lies which is why you dont interview me. YET what are bare basic realities? WHAT IS MORE LIKELY, THAT I HAVE BEEN PLAYED OR YOURSELVES? This is why I am pointing very much out now in vids. So you can see where I am, and where most are not.
1:25:30 - Prophecies from "space homies", they are real & the prophecies are real.
1:53:20 Chinese general gave a speech, spoke about destroying USA with a Bio-Weapon. They are working w/the Elite for a common goal of destroying the USA- but the Elite will play China.
2:30:32- Russian Genetically Modified soldiers, thats real folks.
2:31:13- Corbett Report - The Elite tried a fascist grab of the USA in 1933. THAT PLAN IS ABOUT TO BE USED.
2:46:00- Really good vid clip on A.I., the Elite & future- great vid by that guy!
Outro Song- From a Travolta spy movie.
3:17:45 Bill Gates- Creepy Psychopath out in the open with his desire for Ebola. Don't believe? Think the things I point out in this vid "just look that way"? If that is the case you can not handle the headlights shining.....

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