Why Are Gay Porn - Bestiality So Popular in Muslim Countries?

6 months ago

☪ Muslim countries lead in animal sex related internet searches.

Google, the world’s most popular Internet search engine, has found in a survey that mostly Muslim states seek access to sex-related websites
and Pakistan tops the list. Google found that of the top 10 countries -
searching for sex-related sites - six were Muslim, with Pakistan on the
top. The other Muslim countries are Egypt at number 2, Iran at 4,
Morocco at 5, Saudi Arabia at 7 and Turkey at 8. Non-Muslim states are
Vietnam at 3, India at 6, Philippines at 9 and Poland at 10.[1]

Here are the Muslim countries and how they placed in the top five world ranking of various bestiality-related internet search terms:

► Pig Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Egypt (No. 2) Saudi Arabia (No. 3)
► Donkey Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Iran (No. 3) Saudi Arabia (No. 4)
► Dog Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Saudi Arabia (No. 3)
► Cat Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Iran (No. 2) Egypt (No. 3) Saudi Arabia (No. 4)
► Horse Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Turkey (No. 3)
► Cow Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Iran (No. 2) Saudi Arabia (No. 4)
► Goat Sex: Pakistan (No. 1)
► Animal Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Morocco (No. 2) Iran (No. 4) Egypt (No. 5)
► Snake Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Malaysia (No. 3) Indonesia (No. 4) Egypt (No. 5)
► Monkey Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Indonesia (No. 3) Malaysia (No. 4)
► Bear Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Saudi Arabia (No. 2)
► Elephant Sex: Pakistan (No. 1) Egypt (No. 3) United Arab Emirates (No. 4) Malaysia (No. 5)
► Fox Sex: Saudi Arabia (No. 1) Turkey (No. 4)

Arabic is the 2nd most common language that is used to search for “gay sex.” It’s the number one language for search involving “sexy.” As you can see in that same graph, Iran is at 3 and Egypt is at 4, listed under regions where search on “sexy” was most conducted.
Arabic is the 2nd most common language that is used to search for “gay man.” The countries that most search for this is currently Malaysia (#1) and Indonesia (#2). For “gay girl,” Arabic is also the 2nd most common language.
For “child porn,” Turkey is the 2nd country where this is most searched. Turkish is the #1 language used.
Turkey has one of the most searches for the word “porno.” Morocco is at 5. Turkish is #1 language used to conduct the search in. Indonesia is currently #1 country that search for the word “vagina.”

► Egypt is currently #1 for “fat sex.”
► Pakistan, Morocco, Turkey and Egypt are at the top of the list when it comes to “animal sex.”
► For “children sex,” Pakistan is at #1, Egypt #2 and Iran #3. The most common languages used to conduct the search in are Arabic and Turkish.
► For “sexy children,” these results are probably the most disturbing. Pakistan, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, followed by Turkey at #9.
► For “sexy child,” Pakistan is #1, followed by Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey. Common languages are Persian, Arabic, and Turkish.
► For “homo sex,” Indonesia is #1, Morocco is at 6.
► For “rape,” Pakistan is at 1. Malaysia is at 3.

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