GBNews: Notting Hill Stabfest.. a sprinkle of truth and a dash of antagonism

6 months ago

Here's an interesting video from controlled opposition GBNews, but listen to the woke prat sat on the end of the sofa. His words are so familiar, so I did a bit of digging didn't I...... it took less than 30 seconds to discover Jonathan Lis.....wait for Jewish. Can you see the patterns? Now why would GBNews invite a zionist antagonist on the "show"? Years of research shows that real Jews have been persecuted by zionists for a very very very long time. People need to learn to differentiate between the non-zionist Jews and the Khazarian Ashkenazi Zionist Jews. Most Patriot Jews in the truth movement are non-zionist Jews. The Nazis were Jewish Ashkenazim and Hitler (his father a Rothschild Ashkenazi Jew) got the Nazi Zionists to persecute GERMAN non-zionist Jews.... after they refused to move to Palestine.

The truth is coming, NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING...and the zionists are scared of being exposed. So is Jonathan Lis a non-zionist Jew or is he a Zionist Ashkenazi Jew? I don't know, but we are living in a time where the zionists are starting to bury their Jew'ISH identity. He is covering up, watering down the insane hypocrisy that is being shown by the zionist Freemasons who control and run the UK Police Force. Freemasonry is heavily connected to Zionism, paganism, and indeed Islam.

We know why Jonathan is there, to add to the distraction and confusion, to add voice to the unfolding chaos. A world is coming that will be devoid of evil, deceivers, and the like. We will see Christians, Muslims, and non-zionist Jews unite when the rest of the world realise that Islam was radicalised by the CIA and others, connected to the Khazars, that the Vatican is the hub of evil that has the objective of destroying God, Jesus, and Christianity and the enslavement of all living souls.

A world of love and peace awaits, nothing can stop what is coming....the green curtain has already been pulled back and that is why many evil people, deceivers and so on are panicking right now.

Perhaps Jonathan Lis could put out a video explaining the history of the Khazars? Perhaps Jonathan can do a video on the Noahide Laws? I won't hold my breath.

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