Lewis Herms Unity Tour 50 US Stops in 33 days. 100% FREE | Mel Carmine will Join in Tampa Oct 5th. | XRPQFSTeam

1 month ago

Lewis Herms will go down as an American Hero, he is a appointed General in this new world order War, we are all appointed by God, we are relentless, we are tenacious, giving up is not part of our lexicon, and I can't wait to meet him in person again in Tampa October 5th, Amber and I will be there please stop by and say hello. And in case you're wondering yes I will be speaking on stage.

✅ Come see us in Cape Canaveral FL https://stayingaliive.com

The Quantum Financial System is coming, XRP and XLM - digital assets are here to stay whether you like it or not. The XRPQFS Manual is intended for the new user who knows nothing about Nesara - Gesara, XRP and digital assets. Please visit our website for more information: http://www.qfs1776.com

✅ Important Links to Follow:
👉Gold and Silver, email: info@carminesgold.com, CALL 321-455-8264
👉Business Opportunity - IteraCare frequency wand: https://www.qfs1776.com/iteracare
👉 Secure your digital assets with Ledger Nano wallet: https://shop.ledger.com/?r=f7ace2ecbc8e
👉 All Organic and Non-GMO https://ishoppurium.com/ and use the discount code "melcarmine".

✅ For more information also visit Mel Carmine's: www.qfs1776.com and be prepared, be healthy while we wait for the biggest transfer of wealth in the planet. Energy healing at Staying Aliive Wellness: www.stayingaliive.com

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Disclaimer: We are not offering financial nor medical advice in this podcast, we are only documenting our journey and experiences. All opinions expressed by the contributors are their own opinions and not necessarily those of the XRPQFSTeam creators.

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