can we please save the living library?

6 months ago

I can answer this!

I have real-eyezd much since i last messaged you Mark.


If "it" can keep us focused on trying to escape,
aside from more harvest,
it accomplishes these two things

1. Keeping us from doing what we came here to do AKA pull the 🔌

2. by trying to escape we are actually submitting to "it" that it is more powerful but in REALity,
ALL of the power it has belongs to us.
We take it back and game over baby!!!


Ive waited so long to be on the other side of things and taking it back is actually simple AF 😂😂😂😂

We aren't trying to escape anymore.

We need to deprogam ourselves and pull the plug on "it"

You can check my Tik tok for my detailed experience but I'll abbreviate here.

Initial general process:

1. Stop trying to figure it out.

It is just another addiction & I'm still kicking it too 💯

2. IDK is crucial

Tell the truth to yourself.
Admit what you do not know.
I learned this from Jon Levi.
Idk is powerful but it has to be an authentic realization of what is unknown and is only a beLIEf or idea

3. Questioning without motive.

Spark up that genuine curiosity by asking what it is. Just sincere curiosity to just see whatever "it" is

4. Allow it to come without grasping or having an presupposed outcome.

What is occurring
during this process?

The light is the coding programs that bind our perception.

We are not the light.

We are primordial being-ness.

We existed before this construct.

It is all inverted.

I'm not as clear on describing this process/experience but you will know what to do when/if you can overcome the initial coding that prevents a sincere
2-"what is that?"

Here's what is happening.
The I AM is how we create here, even before the intruder arrived.
The I AM has been corrupted by "it"

The I AM NOT aka, using IDK is where the primordial force is located.

When and if "it" appears,
"it" being the
inn - fill - traitor,

it will try to put more codes in, it may even attempt to assimilate you to its rah's-Legions or another spy-ritual program. You should be able to recognize these by now. It's a small bag of Trix it has, truly.

Decline all advances with your fullest authority.
Do not surrender

It will use duplicity and tricks.
Command your power return however that looks in that situation.

This realization was clutch:::

Give credit where it is due, this entity is due all the credit for this miserable hellscape.

Again, "it" traded
our power for its fear.

Many know this entity as legi👁️n

Real-eyes that

"It" traded its fear for our power.

We simply return to the sender

Few know that it actually recoded this entire construct on all levels and puppets all.

All here are enslaved to it, including but not limited to the typical scapegoats, the Lizzies, moguas, etc and all of its artificial containers. that is why we have so much cloning.
It creates containers that have no primordial essence to resist its will.

Still, it works through all that are unaware of what "it" really is.

We are ALL Smith until we admit the simple "idk"

When enough of us take our power back we may see the system try to correct.
I'm not sure about what comes after that but if one is standing in their primordial presence, it will not matter bc we will know what to do.

Honesty is the first key 🗝️

Go through your beliefs and if they are not an actual KNOWING, then it should be pretty simple to realize that it is an unknown.

By admitting what we don't know we can undo the first program instilled into us which was to be duplicitous like it but with ourselves.

This is what beLIEf is.

Find out what you believe and admit it as unknown.

Don't worry about anything else until you've decoded enough to be over 51% clear.

Remember, all of the power this thing has is ours and you can rightfully claim what is yours, although that may be different for each scenario.

Your inner presence will direct you.

We did not come here to escape.

That is the final trick to overcome.

We came to pull the 🔌

That is why it wants us to try to leave.

I know how to leave so if that's what you want to do it is possible but I will say this.

This "legi👁️n" is insatiable.

It will try to find a way to escape quarantine, which may have been put up from the outside to keep it contained.
Leaving isn't a good idea.
It needs to be stopped.
I no longer have enough fear to be too shook by this parasitic prick.

It is unsustainable, so of course it wants primordial power sources to continue its gluttonous expansion.

Inevitably, it will fail.

The only question is...

Who is going to be the
one(s) to pull the 🔌?

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