RFK, Trump, JFK, Eisenhower and the Unwarranted Influence by the Military Industrial Complex.

1 month ago

RFK Jr. gave a speech the day after the DNC Convention and covered more issues, policy and recognition of the Deep State ruling class control over the people than an entire conga line of Democrat speakers over 4 days who only offered to create a pie in the sky Xanadu of Joy and Freedom.

RFK Jr. joined forces with Trump and appeared with him on stage 24 hours after the Deep State puppet Kamala Harris accepted their installation of her candidacy. This union brought tears to many eyes as 2 circles partially eclipsed to combine some positions while offering differences on others; the foundation of political debate that RFK and JFK embodied.

Their combined position on the Military Industrial Complex inspired me to create this video. I hope you’ll attain some insight.

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