🔥 🙏Revival Sparks in the Heart of West Virginia! Join Jim Peoples on The Raising Cain Show 🔥✨

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🔥 🙏Revival Sparks in the Heart of West Virginia! Join Jim Peoples on The Raising Cain Show 🔥✨

🙏✨ Join us for an inspiring episode with Jim Peoples of Morgantown, WV! Jim shares his journey from Navy service to ministry leadership. Discover how he’s nurturing spiritual growth and seeking revival in our nation!

📅 August 27, 2024
⏰ 6 PM EST

Jim Peoples:
Jim Peoples of Morgantown, WV. Moved to West Virginia in 1982, after serving 4 years in the United States Navy. Married in 1984, to Marcia Peoples of Blacksville WV. He has two wonderful daughters and sons-in-laws, six grandkids and with another one due in December. Although retired from his secular job in 2021 he has devoted himself to loving the Lord and serving his people. He has been involved in various ministries over the years, but his true passion is discipleship for the purpose of equipping the saints for ministry. Is currently Pastor/Elder at Light & Hope house church in Morgantown. Ministries included hosting a home bible study for twelve years, one on one discipleship, various food ministries, street ministries, and along with his wife Marcia is the Northern Region leaders of the West Virginia Prayer Alliance. Jim longs to see revival in our state, nation, and around the world.

Jim Peoples, Morgantown, West Virginia, Navy Veteran, Light & Hope House Church, West Virginia Prayer Alliance, discipleship, ministry, revival, prayer, equipping the saints, Christian leadership, spiritual growth, faith, service, community, church, revival in America, Christian discipleship, biblical teaching, Navy to ministry, servant leadership, family, prayer warriors, God’s work, revival in West Virginia, church community.

Nate Cain:
Nate Cain, Host of The Raising Cain Show, is the FBI Whistleblower on Hillary Clinton, Uranium One, and their coverup of her crimes related to Money Laundering, Public Corruption & Terrorism Financing.

Nate is a military veteran & an expert in cybersecurity for over 27 years and has worked extensively on election integrity, having been called on as an expert witness and cyber forensic investigator by the Trump White House after the 2020 election debacle. @realDonaldTrump https://x.com/realdonaldtrump Endorsed by @GenFlynn https://www.flynnmovie.com

His military service for the last 27 years:
· U.S. Army 307th Signal Battalion, HHC, Camp Carol, South Korea (Enlisted)
· U.S. Army 1111th Signal Battalion, Company A, Raven Rock (Enlisted)
· U.S. Navy TACTRAGRUPAC, Detachment Yokosuka, Japan (Civil Service)
· U.S. Navy PHNSY & IMF, JBPHH, Hawaii (Civil Service)
· U.S. Marines MARFORCYBER, CPT #83, Fort Meade, MD (Civil Service)

@NateCain4WV @Cain_Nate @MCPOTA www.deepstategangsters.com

The Raising Cain Show with host, Nate Cain!
The Raising Cain Show covers crucial topics including cybersecurity, election integrity, national security, veterans’ issues, sanctity of life, constitutional rights, energy, economic issues, lawfare, technology and more. www.TheRaisingCainShow.com @NateCain4WV @Cain_Nate @MCPOTA

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