Fred still needs us,

6 months ago

his doc is trying this therapy on his back, plus injections and combo of meds, plus rest, its not working too good in my opinion, the coodeo vest is great, but i have to pretty much carry him to every spot then put down to do buisness, its hard on me bc im disabled, im having a fence installed around house so i can just let them out, but were in dire needs of surgery funds, his gofundme has stalled and weve literally ony had 1 stranger donate, i get people lie, but im not. were honest folk who just need a hand. ive literally been jumped over trump by two girls the size of shaq o neal bc i gad a maga hat in my car in summer of 2022, and i cant get their help w even sharing freds gofundme link, i know im nobody to you mr trump, but your god to me and you know people, i dont, im not from louisville ky. i dont want pitty i just want help sharing his link bc i dont get on every social site, only rumble and truth, so pls help us share his story for gods sake, getting deseperate here, i never knew itd beso hard to get help w a poor dog...

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