Who is Satan in bible ?

4 months ago

Satan rebellion
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Satan rebellion
Who is Satan in bible ?
Why didn t God destroy Satan ?

Satan rebellion God loved Satan for many thousands of years But one day a mystery happened It is called the mystery of iniquity Nobody knows how sin was started in the heart of Satan Jealousy, pride, selfishness . Who is Satan in bible ? He wanted to take the place of Jesus and was jealous of a position he did not deserve as Jesus is God . Why didn t God destroy Satan ?

Satan rebellion What a struggle in his heart , many times Satan almost repended But pride was too strong . Who is Satan in bible ? At last Satan was fully set to have his want knowing his kingdom would have an end Why didn t God destroy Satan ? Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support us
Why didn t God destroy Satan ?

Satan rebellion God loved Satan for many thousands of years But one day a mystery happened It is called the mystery of iniquity Nobody knows how sin was started in the heart of Satan Jealousy, pride, selfishness . Who is Satan in bible ? He wanted to take the place of Jesus and was jealous of a position he did not deserve as Jesus is God . Why didn t God destroy Satan ?

Satan rebellion What a struggle in his heart , many times Satan almost repended But pride was too strong . Who is Satan in bible ? At last Satan was fully set to have his want knowing his kingdom would have an end Why didn t God destroy Satan ? Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support us

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