Is your LDL cholesterol high? Before you go on a statin check this out.

5 months ago

Has your doctor seen your cholesterol over 200 and want to put you on a statin? Before you jump right to a bandaid approach, ask for these markers that are more indicative of your risk for heart disease.

These are a few additional labs we suggest running to look at the bigger picture. We have said it before and we will say it again… LDL cholesterol is along for the ride. There is a greater reason for heart disease (and causing your cholesterol to raise) and that is inflammation (or age… which is normal).

Whether from infection, pain or blood sugar dys-regulation or just the process of aging, there is a purpose to LDL going up.

Suppressing LDL or making the numbers look pretty does not protect you from heart disease.

Ask your doctor for these labs to dig deeper. If they won’t run them.. come see us! We will run them for you!

Empower yourself!

*this is not medical advice

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