What are some ways I can learn to tame my tongue?

5 months ago

Have you ever said something you instantly regretted? Do you struggle to control the words that come out of your mouth? In this episode of the Ask Ralph show, host Ralph Estep Jr. discusses the challenging but crucial topic of taming the tongue. Ralph shares a personal story about how his harsh words negatively impacted his family relationships and emphasizes the long-term, lifelong process of changing one's speech habits. He will share some strategies like the "THINK" method, implementing a "pause button", finding an accountability partner, keeping a gratitude journal, and using the "sandwich" approach when offering criticism. Whether you're someone who frequently finds yourself apologizing for harsh words or you simply want to be more intentional about the power of your speech, this episode is packed with actionable advice to help you harness the life-giving potential of your tongue. Stay tuned to discover how you can make positive changes that will ripple through every area of your life.


00:00 Introduction and Overview of the Episode
01:10 Listener’s Question
03:54 Bible Verse
04:34 Ralph's Personal Experience with Taming the Tongue
07:09 Practical Techniques for Taming the Tongue
13:46 Final Thoughts and Recap
15:12 Conclusion and Topic for Tomorrow’s Show

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