Preparing for next Hiking trip, mostly with minimal woolly DIY equipment, what’s in my Pack in 2024

6 months ago

Right, going through my woolly DIY Outdoor kit I’m planing to use for the next hiking trip to come, in a few weeks time.
Since the whole of my kit is pretty much already extensively tried and tested and the overall equipment matching the style of outdoor trips I usually tend to-do, it’s sorted out quite nicely to suit my needs.
But still there are some things to tweak around with, like not taking my trusty multi usable heavy Khukuri this time, and asking you what you think about making a choice between taking the Lars Fält Bushcraft knife only or swooping it over to an Opinel No.12 knife together with Opinel Nr.12 saw instead. (let me know what you think about it, your thoughts on that, below into the comment section please) many thanks in advance.

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