Epiphone Les Paul - NUCLEAR Extreme!

6 months ago

This Epiphone, Nuclear Extreme Les Paul, was in need of some help. It had tarnished frets and saddles, the fret board was completely dry, and the neck pickup would cut out. I fixed these problems, so check out the demo at the end! 10:05 if you want to jump to the demo. 11:11 if you want the song.

**Correction - This guitar was made in the Unsung, Korea factory.

Sadly, my Dad passed away, and he left me a monetary gift. So, I bought this. No better way to show my respects for my Father.

Gear used for the demo:
-Boss Katana Gen 1, 100-watt head.
-Epiphone 1x12 cabinet (Celestion redback g12).
-EMG Revelation pickups in neck and bridge.
-EMG wiring and pots.
-Video recorded with ZOOM Q8, and my phone.
-Mixed and mastered in Reaper DAW.

All the background songs you heard are by me, and you can listen and buy them here, michaelscott.bandcamp.com , if you want.

Please subscribe, purchase music at michaelscott.bandcamp.com, or just check out some more of my vids to help me out. Thanks, and feel free to say, hello.

#epiphone #lespaul #rareguitar

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