Diet Update 1700cal (04/28/24)

5 months ago

Back on the path. Here is a update on my diet. I am increasing the calories up to 1700cal. This breaks down to 8g of Carbs, 113g of Fat, and 157g of Protein. Essentially I just added another protein shake because I will be working out two times a day, 4 days per week. I am doing 2 x 42hr fast each week. My diet is still carnivore/keto. Please note, that once I reach a healthy weight. Fruits and vegies will be reincorporated back into my diet.

All supplements featured is not endorsed nor suggested for use by me. Please use the supplements that you feel are right for you. Always check with a doctor before trying any diet, supplements, and fitness programs. Everything in this video is meant for entertainment.

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