US foreign policy of the United States was designed to undermine the security of the Jewish state

5 months ago

Dr. Francesco Gil White anthropologist and historian:
"When I started researching, I discovered that the foreign policy of the United States was designed to undermine the security of the Jewish state, and this is not surprising when you turn to history and discover that the bosses of the United States were the ones who funded Nazism.
You understand US foreign policy after the war, when you realize that no one ever moved these Nazi financiers, families like the Rockefellers, Fords, Watsons, and Carnegies from their positions. They still rule the United States.
So it is not surprising that they are imposing on Israel the PLO, an organization founded by the senior Nazi Haj Amin Al Husseini who founded divisions for Himmler and was a personal friend of Eichmann, and together with him ran the extermination camps.
After the Holocaust, Haj Amin moved to Cairo, where he founded the Fatah movement (PLO) and gave Arafat and Abu Mazen their Nazi training.

Before the massacre in the south the American regime transferred billions of dollars to Iran and after the massacre it transferred 100 million dollars to Hamas.
But it's worse because we know that the US bosses are intimately allied with Qatar. They have the largest military base in the Middle East, Qatar cannot exist without American protection. Which means the United States has total control over Qatar's foreign policy.
And what is the Qatari foreign policy? It supports and funds the terrorist psychopaths of Hamas who are publicly aiming to destroy the Jewish state.

All this is promoted by Rockefeller and their partners with the help of brainwashing, they have long ago taken over the academy and the media, and with their help they manipulate the masses and market reality to them as they want.

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