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FlyOver Conservatives-SESSION #1: How can YOU Pray Prophetically? | Prophetic Prayer Training with Stacy Whited and Ginger Ziegler - captions
“When we start embracing God’s grace, God comes with His abundance of power and ability and He begins to change us. He begins to change our way of thinking in a permanent way. God uses His power, His loving-kindness, to take the truth and set us free.” - Ginger Ziegler
Ginger Ziegler is an accomplished author, teacher, mentor, grandmother, mother, and confidant. She is affectionately known as “Mom” to those who know her personally. In her 40+ years of ministry, she has established and pastored churches, Bible schools, ministry training schools, foreign missions, prison ministries and prayer groups all over the world. Additionally, she has preached in numerous churches in the U.S. and many foreign countries. She has also worked with many large ministries, establishing Biblically sound and healthy prayer groups, and leadership schools.
Ginger has a passion for empowering individuals to live out their God-given purpose and fulfill God’s original design for their lives, reigning victoriously as sons and daughters, equipped with the revelation of the POWER that is in the Name and Blood of Jesus.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from FlyOver Country! ‼️WAKE UP•SPEAK UP•SHOW UP‼️ The original video was posted on 08-03-2024 and may be watched here: 👉
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Ginger Ziegler
When you're on God's team, no one sits on the bench. On God's team, there is no bench. Yay. Welcome. I am so excited to be with you today. As you can see, I'm not in the normal studio. Uh we are having some technical difficulties over here at Flyover Conservatives but nothing is stopping us from what needs to be shared at this time and so today we're doing something very special. You guys know and I did a special prophetic report this lab weekend on Saturday about three dreams that Chris Reed had and I was talking about this book, His Blood Speaks, Your Victory, The Dev il's Defeat. This is by Ginger Zigler. This book is for this time. There's no doubt about it. Um I bought it several months ago. I've read it multiple times. Our flyover intercessor team, the flyover team, producers, graphic arts, David and I, all of us have read this book and really believe that this is a solution that God has given for this time and understanding his blood and what we're to do with it. Well, the author of this book has become a great friend of mine but not just a great friend. She's become a mentor. Somebody that I am learning so much from and I feel like what she has to share we all need to be learning from her. She has been in ministry for over 40 years. Um when you see, you're not going to believe it's like that's not possible but 40 years, she's done things like she's been a pastor, she's been a teacher, she's been overseer, of a prison ministry and she is absolutely amazing. She's probably spent more time in her prayer closet than out of it and I'm so excited to learn from her today. Welcome to the show, Ginger Ziegler. Yay. Welcome. That makes me feel great. Thank you so much. What an introduction. Um I love you. Opportunity to be with you too. This is wonderful. God bless you. God bless you too. Ginger, I am so thankful for you and I'm really excited about learning from you. You know, we do have at this time what I said about those prophetic dreams from Chris Reed. You and I have had many conversations about those and they are warnings. I believe for this time but God is giving us a warning so we can do something about it. Uh do you want to touch on that and the significance of the of the dreams that we've been Talking about from Chris Reed? It's very very important because you know God the word says that the Lord talks to the prophets and then he tells them specific words. It's not just things in general. He tells them specific words. I think that's important. And we know from Acts chapter two he speaks through prophecies, visions and dreams and there's a big difference between a vision and a dream and obviously Chris Reed does have that gift of dreams. It's not just dreaming but gifts. It's an actual gift of like in Acts two and so he displays or opens up things for us to understand but we do have to have we have to have the ability through the written word of God to really understand or comprehend dreams we can't just take some I don't know out there understanding of the dream we've got to have scriptures because he said he would confirm everything everything and tells us in the mouth of two or three witnesses and besides that he confirm other ways too along with the scriptures. But the scripture is what gives us the evidence, the understanding in the one, two, three, which I love a one, two, three. You know, he orders our steps in his words. So, it's it's a must right now. Where we are critical, absolutely critical time. We're in such an upheaval. And I don't know that everybody's wide awake but there's a bunch of us that are. That is exactly right. And we are, we're in a a interesting time. You know, we're 150 some days from the 20twenty-four presidential election. We saw what in 2020 and so now it's like okay God what can we do to make a difference he's telling us what the enemy is trying to do in some of these situations now what can we do to either stop it change it or alter it based on what the lord says can happen he has to tell us can this be stopped can this be changed can this be altered and then asking him to put his words in our mouth is that correct that's exactly right but Jesus himself is the example. He went and he prayed all night. He prayed. And he prayed. And he prayed. And he prayed. And he prayed. And he was able to communicate to his father which is very important. Not just God but he communicated with his father. And from that he was able to see and to know exactly what to do. He knew who to pray for. When to he knew every step. It was all mapped out. But it came through prayer. Of course it came through he was studying the you know the scripture they had at the time too. But it's so important. That's one phase of it. But that's the spiritual side. This is Stacey this is a spiritual battle. Has it's it starts in the spirit realm. It's just like if somebody goes to the doctor if they've got some horrible yucky disease of some kind. A doctor can't give an aspirin say well you're going to be okay. They've got to treat the root of the situation. Yes. With a correct medication. It's the same way with what we're working with right now not just in our nation but in the whole world. So we've got to deal with the spiritual problem in order to remedy what needs to be done. What needs to be changed. And so we have to learn how to not just lay me down to sleep and pray the Lord must only keep. Right. So we got to learn how to pray prayers and these prayers if if if P People who pray, people who God has asked to pray, which is everybody, but if he, if you can learn how to pray things that prophets are prophesying. If you can get with a group and you can learn how to prophetically pray, then God begins to help you to see, and you are able to see into the realm of the spirit beyond the natural, then you start knowing things, you start seeing things, you start comprehending and then God then what I always pray ever since I was a little girl I just say Jesus put your words in my mouth I know if I'm praying what he's asked me to pray it's going to happen like he wants it to and not necessarily just grabbing a couple of scriptures I want but he will tell us what to pray it's so important that is so good and that's why I you know in all of our conversations that we've had I I am learning so much from you but I also wanted to For this to the Flyover family so that we can link arms and I have a shirt on today that says Prayer Warrior so that we can be warriors. I mean, if effective warriors during this time and and so we you actually, I'm so excited about this. You came up with something called the Prayer, the Prophetic Prayer Course and and we're going to have handouts for it. So, I'm not even sure how many weeks this is going to go but you and I are just obedient to whatever God is calling us to do. So, Flyover family, if you would like the handout from this course today, just text the phone number four zero five zero nine four zero five zero nine. The letters G and Z for Ginger Ziggler. G Z to 40509 and you're going to get the handout from today but we're going to be talking about I guess this is kind of like the first one out of however many the lord has but how do you effectively pray into the prophetic and we're going to start with first of all, developing a consistent prayer life. So, can you talk a little bit about that. It it can't be hit and miss. If we're going to pray about things that are very very important, things that are critical, things that not only change our life but change other people's lives and changes a nation. You just can't like, well, if I have time, I'll run in there. Now, and you know the other thing too, Stacey is prayer is because we love the lord because we're so grateful that we're born again. We're so thankful that he he reached down and grabbed us out of the middle of the mess we're in and let us know he is our savior and God is our father and so if we can see prayer from a different viewpoint I love being with my kids if I could be with my children for 5 minutes the highlight of my life well that's how God feels and so he just if you develop your prayer life consistently just pray and I can this is back we were Baptist Church. This is in the sixties. And you know we had to like pray every day. We had to mark off our little thing and you know we've done all of our little scriptures. But I was reading where Paul said pray continually. And I was like well we're supposed to pray three times a day. How can we pray continually. How Melinda do that? I was not childish. I was just childlike. And I said you have to teach me how to do that. I said how like are you meaning twenty-four a day. That began to open up a whole journey of prayer. I learned how to pray no matter where I was, no matter what I was doing and but it opened up my heart to be with the Lord on a continual basis. So because of friends, just like you and our friends. What was it? Two, three weeks ago, I just walked around and you came in my mind and I just start praying for you and then I text you. Remember that? I sure do. Are y'all thinking about that I bet he don't but I buy and and you do. Yeah. And we are I said well I dreamed about it. I didn't even know y'all were doing it. And it it that's how it works with prayer. You don't even you live the life of prayer. So and I'm not trying to tell everybody you gotta pray twenty-four straight hours which wouldn't hurt you. But I mean we could all use it. Learn how to live a life of prayer. And so the consistency is very important. Consistency in the written word of God. And I love what I heard Chuck Pierce say this is I don't know about a year ago he said I just take hunks of the book of Isaiah and I read hunks of it and I just take hunks of the Book of Revelation and I thought no I never thought about taking a hunk of something. Yeah. You know I've always read like all of Ephesians or all of Philippians or all Colossians but just take hunks you know and you can sit down for five or 10 minutes and just read five or six chapters and you thought well that didn't do any good. Changed your whole life and you didn't even realize because you were changed from the inside because you were getting his life, his breath, his words, his understanding, his way of thinking. I'm telling you just it you don't even know you've been changed but you're being changed when you and then all of a sudden you just start knowing things. And is it because God's word is living? That's why it does that because it is the living word. But it's gotta be consistent though. I mean even if it's if you start off I heard Marilyn Hickey way back in the seventies. He said can you please give him fifteen minutes. Can you just take your Bible? Sit down in the chair. If you don't want to get in the closet then that's fine. Just sit down somewhere. Be still. Shut everybody up. And then consistency those seven days a week. 365 days out of the year. But pretty soon five or 10 or 15 minutes is not going to work. Cuz then you're going to go well I got this to say. And my friend Annie she told me this years and years ago. I helped her learn how to pray back in the eighties. And she said 1 day she was just Pray and pray and interceding and so she said look to her watch and she said oh I gotta go to work and the Lord said just stay just five more minutes and I just start weeping when she said that. She said she just started crying that God wanted just five more minutes. Just five more minutes. It does. He just because he can tell you something in five seconds that'll change the whole nation. Yep. That is exactly ah that is so beautiful. So Finding a consistent time daily, seven days a week, be alone and and at least 15 minutes starting there and then obviously it it can grow from there. You also talk about keeping a journal or notes and that's been something over the last few years. It's been really big to me. I have my mole skin and each year I just change out you know that what's inside the mole skin but this has been something I have beside me every time that I spend time with the lord. Can you talk About that and why is that so important? I'm telling you, we think we're going to remember something but we might not remember every detail. It's the same thing with dreams. It's imperative to write dreams down every single word of the dream because you get busy in life and what Satan likes to do is Daniel seven twenty-five. He likes to where yeah make you so tired you can't even think straight and you forget oh yeah God did put the karma right here and boy he means we're his go too. Ooh. And so we forget little pieces or we'll go oh that's right. And you know one other thing and writing that down is so important is we we pray I pray corporate prayer. Team groups too. And one of us will remember something. This happens to us all the time. Somebody will say don't you remember and be like I don't know. It was four, five, six months ago or maybe it was last year and we can remember one thing. But somebody took a note. We can go back with a that's what it is. And God has given us answer or enlightenment or revelation of is so important and I'm not talking about writing down it would be good to write down every word. We have computers. We can just sit down, write them down, print it out. It's very very important to keep consistent words because we do forget and we write down the time and the date. You'll be very amazed when you start walking with the Lord deeper. He's very much into time. He's very much I mean down to the millisecond sometimes. And you'll find things in the scriptures and you'll think well was that last year? Was that year before last? And then you start putting them together because you just recently had something that happened to you. You told me about it. We haven't talked about it yet. But two or three four prophecies all came together. Boom boom boom. You had them written down and so God is opening something wide open for you. Oh that is exactly right. In fact I've got God bumps. I feel like crying because it's just so exciting how even prophetic words back to 2018 came out this weekend in a prophetic word from pastor Robin at Church International and I and it tied you know we do we type em up as soon as I hear prophetic word we type it up we pray over it we steward it we pull it out every once in a while we read it you know this is it comes a part of our vocabulary and expectation this is what the lord is saying and and so when we were given that prophetic word over the weekend I was like that just tied together. Three it was actually four once I ended up calculate them all. Four prophetic words starting in two thousand and eighteen. God is so good and he cares about every single detail. Yes. Well just I mean just look look at the Bible that start Genesis one and you have to the way according to Corinthians the way you understand the word is you let the word of God interpret itself. So he'll tell you something in Genesis then come along and he'll tell you something in John then he'll come along and tell you something in Corinthians and then you put all your one, two, threes together and you have a complete picture of what he's sharing with you. So that's why it's important to write things down because we have to grow and mature in the Lord. I mean I've been doing this since I start the first prayer that I remember as about maybe three years old. I remember the first prayer. And then I remember four or five the next prayer. And then through my life I've grown in but man I'm I mean like you trying to figure out God come on. Right. Times later we still don't have it figured out. So it takes a lot. We mature. We grow. We mature emotionally. We mature spiritually. And then it makes more sense. And it it we can get it faster and now when we're younger we might have you might have told us 100 times you know I know all these teachers bunch of them are in my prayer group AA AA apple apple apple. How many times did we hear that apple and awe all together. And so that's how God does with us. That's why there's three or four prophecies and then we go, oh, that's what you were talking about. Ain't that beautiful? It is. Precious to do that. He, I know, he is so so good. As I think about Ginger, even that developing that consistent prayer time especially when I was younger and I think you know, I was raising kids and and everything was so busy, my mind was really busy and one thing that a neighbor of mine that I used to walk with, I just it was great advice that she gave me was in my quiet time have a piece of paper there so as things come to mind that you're thinking of oh I need to get this done or get that done just write it down so that you can just release it now it's on paper you don't have to worry about it if you don't have it and you think I'm supposed to be spending time with the lord why am I thinking about all this it's really hard for your mind it's just keeps holding on to why I gotta make sure I get that done and make sure I send you know this to school with the kids tomorrow or whatever you know that I could just have that piece of paper and I could release it and then I could really focus on what the lord was trying to say. That's perfect and you know, when you wrote all the stuff through the printer and you made a mistake and it was wrong stuff, I whack all that stuff into I have papers everywhere and in my office and in the storage in there, I have boxes, great big old boxes like this just full of paper and it's one note here and one note there and one note over here and one note over there and in fact, it was I don't know three, four days ago. I thought, man, I got a stack of papers over here because God said something and I write it down right that second. I just grab one of those scrap papers and write it down And I gotta tell you really fast of crazy story. Little bit of piece of paper about this being. Little tiny thing. Um somebody had had a dream. This happened about 25 years ago. Somebody had a dream. And well in fact I was it. I was a somebody. I had a dream and I don't dream. I had visions but I don't dream. But I wrote all this down but own a little scratch piece of paper. And so it had to do with family and so anyway time goes on. And then this this particular thing had to do with whether by a mobile home or not and want color and all that. I had every little detail just handwritten like this up and down. I write my I'm reading my own handwriting but I had it. So life goes on boom boom. I totally forgot about the dream. Totally forgot about the note. And about two years later I was at the office one day and I thought I just had this thought. Well I just think I'm just going to clean out that bottom drawer of the file cabinet. Now that's crazy. This is like off the wall okay? So I started taking all the files out of the cabinet. Well guess what? I found that little piece of paper. And that whole dream had come to pass. Exactly. That I totally forgot and I was reading that dream. I was squealing. I was like oh my gosh. I didn't even know and how I got to the bottom of the fog cabinet. I don't know but the Lord wanted me to see. See I told you. You dreamed it but you forgot it. Wow. And it happened. Exactly verbatim. Like was in that dream. And he was just encouraging me. You do hear and you hear accurately. And but I had to Here they're like who who's going to get it out on the floor and pull out all these no kidding. But there was that little piece of paper. So but make sure you keep all your papers though. Exactly. Don't don't lose them. Uh you know I've also heard people talk about keeping a journal by their bed. So if they are big dreamers that they can write that dream down before they forget it. Absolutely. Absolutely. Keep it right by your bed. Make sure your Bible and a notebook is right there at all times. You know these old timey spiral notebooks. Yep. I have hundred of them. Hundreds of them. And they're like again the old ones from 50 years ago still in these boxes. I kept them. And because it's amazing every once in a while pick up one of those boxes and just go through there and I think man when we didn't even know nothing here God gave us some dream or some word or something. It and you just write because you think you're going to remember everything. Right. I had somebody just couple of weeks ago Dave said well I had this dream and I said you write they said no and I said well do you remember all the details? Well no not exactly and I said well I you going to have to go back to God in prayer and just pray Father you will bring back to my memory every single thing that you told me. I said because it'd be like trying to put a pattern together if you're cutting a pattern to make a dress if parts are missing how we're going to do it. You know we got every detail is important so keep it and get up. I mean be disciplined and I had a school one time with Stacy on this. One of the disciplines I did. I have schools but this one discipline I did I made them pray get in the closet close the door and they could take a bottle of water that was it and they had to pray with their Bible structural cordance and a notebook for eight solid hours oh my God without getting out of the closet or they weren't going to pass the course and people like but people still talk about that today I still get a text every once in a while what training because you have to learn to concentrate and focus I mean Scattered generation all your life. My land. You know you can't find nothing. I mean like we gotta get this stuff. We got to stay focused. We're at a critical time. This is not time for people to just be scattered. We gotta be paying attention. Something you said earlier that I have learned from you and now it's just it's become a a big part of what I do is everything that God says every dream that you have you need to find scripture that goes along with it and and so talk about the importance of that like why is the scripture critical and how do you find it like one of the things from my dream was there was a specific sentence that was said in the dream and then I was able to find that sentence actually in the scripture. It was specifically said and then I found that in the scripture but can you talk about that? Why that's important and how do you figure out what to look for in scripture? Well, when you write all the dream down, you be you have to learn how to do it. You begin to see things that leap off the page. Usually any words that are spoken those are very very important. Or sometimes it's maybe things might be highlighted a color or whatever. But you can find it if if the dream if God gives you a dream and he's going to speak to you through the dream. You going to find it in some translation. It might be 300 translations later but you won't find that scripture. And then you go back to King James you can figure out what it's saying. And you know I told you this old story. This friend came up and told me about this dream. It didn't make a lick of sense. It was just typology and all that stuff. And you know I was like trying to figure out. But this one word kept coming. Hard hat. Hard hat. And I was just like why do I keep remembering that word? And I said Jesus the word hard hat is not in the Bible. I'm sure. Am I right or wrong? Of course he didn't say a word and so time went on, few months went on and so I I looked up on the internet. I looked everywhere. I looked and looked and looked. I couldn't I said see I told you it's not in the Bible. Anyway, about 350 translations later, I found one place in the Bible and I remember what translation it was but I found the word hard hat and it had to do with Ephraim and I was like, wouldn't you know it? Of course, it's in there. That's the word that kept coming to me. I couldn't understand the dream until I understood hard hat. So, then, I went back and I did a study of Ephraim. His beginning, his middle, his end, and all that. Then, I understood the dream just like boom. Just like that. Once I found out the scripture in the Bible but how are you going to find Ephraim out of hard hat? Hello. Wow. It's like God is inviting us in to this treasure hunt that he is giving us, you know, but he's and he's not just going to give us all of the answers. He's inviting us to find that and to be a part of that. That's that is so exciting. One of the thing I wanted to point out that you've taught me about dreams or I guess anything that that you hear from the lord. Um you've asked me like I shared a dream that somebody had and you said, were they fearful because if they were fearful, then it's not from Lord. Can you address that as well? Well now fearful meaning fearful meaning real now sometimes fear there's you know the the kind of fear Satan gives you. That's different. Sometimes God gives you like pay attention over here. Right. You know like for instance I love to tell stories you can tell. I was out. I love your stories. I was out in the yard. Uh walking around anywhere there's peace ten laying there. And I was moving stuff. I didn't have gloves on. I was just working. And praying tongues a mile minute. And the Holy Spirit said warning. And I was like warning. What? I don't see nothing. And so I reached down to pick up this piece of tin and I had this fear warning. And so I thought mm I bet there's a snake under there. So I went over and got a hole and I pulled it up. Sure enough there was a copperhead under there. So I was like okay so that kind of fear or warning is good. Right. The kind of fear that makes you hopeless. We're all going to go to hell in the handbasket. This is the end of it. There's no hope. This is the oh my God you know everybody's going down for the 20th time. That fear is from Satan. But so when you get you want to look in these because these dreams like Kenneth Hagan talked about a vision. He had one of his books. In nineteen fifty1 he saw here in America. God took him up in the heavenlies. And he had a vision and he saw cities he saw different things but it wasn't fearful from Satan it was hey pay attention start praying over these cities so when we were looking at your dream I said did this scare the daylights out of you or like did it just make you like wait a minute we better pay attention because when I read the dream I said no it's a warning dream let's pay attention let's find out what the enemy's going to do we're going to knock the dickens out of him because we're not going to let him do it because we're watching God's already saying pay attention There's a copperhead under that piece of tin. Oh that's so good. That is so good. So if somebody feels hopeless or something is impossible or whatever that is not from from the Lord. That's only from Satan. Mental stability too because if people get sick they lose their job. Nothing's working right. And God's trying to give you a dream to help you if you're really really down. You could get like oh you know it's never going to work. This is the end of it. And you have to we have to you have to be tour enough to say Lord am I just being a Hawaiian baby? And I just feel hopeless or is this the devil just trying to scare me. Let help me know the difference. So we have to watch you know we have a really bad dream and life is going great. And everything's wonderful. We have a bad dream. We'll go okay we're going to go get Satan at high noon. You know but sometimes if we're down so we do have to watch our mental stability at that particular time. And that's what things is so good to be able to have people to say hey I just don't know what to do about this. What do you think? You know if you pray together pray by yourself. You have to pray by yourself. You it has to be you and your father. But then you pray in teams and you have things you can bounce off of other people and they can see it a little bit differently. And sometimes you have dreams and you think well I just know that this is for the nation. I just know this is for you. People do that to me all the time. They come tell me that and I go, no, it's about y'all. You know, I could just see it day but their mental, their mental stability is. No, it's not about me. I don't want to deal with that. It has to be about you. So, you have to watch that part too. I'm not a psychologist. I don't know. I I made that high school. But I have no in life. You definitely have. You are very wise. No doubt about it. That is really good advice. Okay, let's move to the second topic which is worship. The importance of worship and how do you enter that time of worship with the Lord. You know we're so especially those of us that know the Bible and read and read and read. We want to get in there and alright God come on let's make it happen. You know here we go. Or just get in there if we're filled with the Holy Spirit. We just want to get in there and start praying in the Holy Spirit. But we gotta cool our wheels. I mean you don't like my kids don't come in the house. My grandkids don't come in the house. And don't even speak to me. Run over the refrigerator and open the refrigerator and start raiding it. Or run over and grab my purse and start getting money out of it. And do that. They they come in and they go hi. How you doing? You haven't talked to you in a while. And we sit down the table and we visit. And then I say what do you need? You know what what's going on? That's how we have to learn to do it in prayer. And besides we don't have enough sense to know how to party anyhow. So we gotta go before the Lord and just spend some time just worship him. Cuz I'm not after his hands. I'm after his face. Oh. I need to oh God loves me. Wow. You know people I mean look at I'm not going to name brand these people. We have billionaires running around. Everybody hates God to the living end. Their provision. They got plenty of provision. So we can get work with our hands. We can get what we need. But what we really need is to be loved. And to be accepted. And people has been divorced, been sick, had their kids do crazy things, all kinds of stuff. This is what we need. We need His face. We need His love. We need His reassurance. It's okay. You can do it. I'm not after His hands and His provision. And so we just need to cool our hood a little bit and just say hi. How's it going? And you learned to have a I talked to him in Texan because I'm just like because you're a Texan. How's it going on Heaven? It's really nice up there but did you take a look at today down here? About this stuff here. Is it okay if we talk about this stuff? And but we we just don't run in and raid his refrigerator's what I'm trying to say. That is make sense. We you know God knows if we try to use him. Come on. Yes. He knows every bit of our motive. Oh that's so true. That's so true. When you say worship because when I think of worship I think of singing and bowing down before him and spending time with that with music. Does that mean that to you? Well, you know, I just, worship to me is the life I live. It's how I live. He is in my thoughts continually. He's he's there. I I don't know how to exist without that. To me, life, it worship is the life you live. Now, I don't need music. I mean, it's okay. I did music good and I done music. I was raised in music But I don't have to have it. Sometimes I burst out and I was feeding the cows one day. And I was looking at the cows and I just I was singing to the top of my lungs. You know just singing those cows were like I mean sometimes my heart just overflows and worship it's not always in the closet. It just but worship is the life you live. It's what you think about God. How grateful and thankful you are that you're born again and not going to hell. And besides that he loves you and he has time for you but then you whatever it takes to get you quiet but I think too many times you know we have to watch some music without it music is not about God music is to him I love you lord not I love about you this is what I like about you lord you're just awesome you know man no I love you father thank you for loving me you know it's different so people have to do whatever it is works for them and music might work one time but just being quiet. Just getting still and shutting up. Making your mind shut up. Just taking a deep breath, just being still and just inhaling God might be a way to worship. And I told you my story a little bit in seventy-one. I started praying in the closet in 69 by accident almost. But I went in the closet just just to worship. Just to try to just be there. And I ended up in real worship. Real worship. At the throne of God with my fingertips touching his toes. I was laying on the streets of gold is the first time that it ever happened to me and I I can't explain that kind of worship here. I didn't know I had that kind of worship on the inside of me. But from that worship the point I want to make of that is from that worship and ecstatic joy also came. Because I jumped up. I was myself in heaven. I don't know how God liked it I guess. Cuz I jumped up and I was just yelling and singing and jumping. I was going you love me. You love me. I know you love me. Wow. So in deep worship came this ecstatic joy. And so I don't that's just my thing. So everybody has to understand just get still and quiet. This makes sense. What does it take to shut yourself down and let it be about him. You know grabbed him by his ankles and said I ain't letting you go. Jesus said let me go. That's what I do. I'm grabbing Michael. You ain't going any place man. Stay right here. I'm sorry but I'm selfish. Okay, I got you. I'm not going to let you go. Uh that is so good. Now, even this just makes more sense. Um I remember hearing a story one time about Bill Johnson was with his daughter-in-law Jen Johnson and they were riding the car on the way to a worship session where she was going to be leading worship and she was she's a mom, you know, two little kids at the time that she said this but she said, Imma take off my mom hat. Imma put on my worship hat and he looked at her and he said, never take off your worship Pat. I thought oh wow. Okay that now gingered what you just said that just makes all that make more sense. Wow. That is beautiful. It's a beautiful way to live. It keeps you from being hopeless in the middle of hopeless situations. Mm hmm. No doubt about it. Wow. Okay, that that is amazing. Okay, so you also talk about pray the prayers of the Holy Spirit. What does that mean? Well, again, we like, okay, we know what's take the nation for instance. We know what's happening in the nation and we just get oh we gotta pray. We gotta you know we're looking at these scriptures and we're flipping through the scriptures. Or we might like oh my God. I just got let go of my job this morning. What am I going to do? How am I pay the rent? Uh You know. Mm hmm. But go to the Lord when you can do this worship. Just say what's on your mind today. What do I need to pray about? What's urgent? This looks like it's urgent. But I might need to pray about this. I just don't know. He's running the world. Yeah. And so we need to say Holy Spirit what do You want to pray about. What do you see? Cuz we just pop off praying in the Holy Spirit or pop off with 1025 scriptures you know some some people have the whole whole books memorized and they just start you know but we need to say what what do I need to pray about right now. Mhm. It looks like I might need to pray about this but you tell me what to pray. Cuz that's exactly what the scripture says. We do not know what pray or how to pray. This is the key though. He ever lives. To pray. Making intercession for us. So Jesus what are you praying about right now? What are you talking to the father about right now? That you want me to be a part of? Have you ever thought like that? No. Well that is so good. That has anything to do with me or or might have to I mean sometimes you might find yourself praying for somebody that maybe is in an underground jail so we're in some foreign country being tortured for the cause of Christ. That might be more important than you losing your job this morning. Cuz God might have another job 5 minutes down the road and you just don't know about it. But this person needs prayer. So just see him seated at the right hand of the Father. He's up there. He is interceding. He is praying. He ever lived. That is his ministry right now praying, praying, praying. Jesus, what are you praying that I could be a part of? Mhm. Isn't that That's that's that's major. That is yeah. That is major because he's going to take care of our needs. You know that's just partnering with him. He's going to take care of us. He might say hey come on hit it. Go for it man. We need to rip the devil into two pieces right now over this situation that you're dealing with. And he might tell you pray about. I'm not saying he won't tell you pray for yourself. I'm just saying be smart enough. This is what the Lord told me years ago. I said why you me up in the middle of the night and he said because you won't shut up in the daytime. I mean I need you to pray about it. I said alright. And then I said I pray and I pray in tongues all the time. And I said sometimes I just wonder you know what am I praying about? What's going on? All that. And he said well he said who could pray whose prayers do you think I'm going to answer first? Yours are the Holy Spirit and I said not a problem. I got it. I got That's huge. I love that. Okay I gotta go. And remember me in all this. Yes. Oh, that is powerful. That is powerful. Um okay, I think we have time for one more today and this was learn the different types of prayers. Can you describe that? That's in Ephesians six and their petition prayers which is would it take a while to explain all that supplemental prayer supplication, their prayers of agreement and we don't just need to alright. Again, let's go back going to a doctor. They give this particular medication for this particular thing. We sometimes when things have issues with them that are really big like our nation. He might tell us to make prayers that have to do with decrees or proclamation. He might tell us to have prayers that have to do with petitions where we have things written out. He might tell us to have prayers where we're we're in agreement over a particular situation. So we need to ask the Lord like what kind of prayer do I need to pray about this situation. Jerusalem in his days you know years ago he he he taught so much about prayers of petition is really has some really good teaching on it and so it's in Ephesians six it tells you all the different kinds we make supplications intercessions and I know Jesus is the only intercessor but we sometimes there's intercession that you really can't articulate in English. I I do that. My daughter Sherry has that. They're very I don't know very many people have that kind of it's like a Birthing Prayer. Mm. And those are there we just don't Stacey the thing is we got our little pat things. Dumb dumb dumb dumb. One, two, three, four, five and we need to just knock that off. We're in a bad place. We just need to say Lord talk to my face. Tell me what I need to pray about this at this. You could be driving down the freeway. And he just say just like decree this right now. And you don't even boom. There it's done. Or you could be in your closet and he could say, okay, it's time for you to start this intercession. Intercession takes a while. It's not just a few minutes thing and so we got to learn to pray his prayers. We would be so much further along if we pray his prayers. Man, that's so true. Okay. So, would that be then when you're talking about what Sherry experiences, is that a gift from the lord? No, it's not a gift. It's just something you yield to and God knows who has the capabilities of being able to understand that and yield to those things. Um I was listening to President Trump the other night it just boom came on me. I mean I was I was I had my phone and I was just listening to it and all of a sudden prayer came. I turned that phone off and I went into this deep prayer. I didn't know it was going to happen. But I'm yielded to it. So sometimes it happens. Sometimes it doesn't. There's other kinds of prayers. Once you learn different kinds of prayers then you you can just sense on the inside of you what you need to pray and how you need. You just get sensitive to the unction of the Holy Spirit's what first John says. You have action on the inside that talk to you and you know how to pray and when to pray those kind of prayers and I really can't make sense out of it sometimes. I mean like you think what in the world was that all about but we don't have to know. All we have to do is learn how to be obedient. Oh that is so huge. Alright so Flyover Family we are going to have many of these because there's so much that I'm so excited to learn from Ginger. For today's handout you can text the phone number four zero five zero nine four zero five zero nine text the letter G and Z as in Ginger Zigler. Um also Ginger I want to talk about send everyone to your website Ginger Ziggler. com for your book. The the His Blood Speaks. I love this book. I read it every single day. I think it's something that all of us need to be reading and and the Lord gave you this book in the 90s but told you not to release it until recently because again I believe it's for this time. What would you like to say about the book before I let you go? Well, it's my whole life. It took me 33 years to get it out there but it actually it will help you with your destiny. It's a devotional where you read it over and over just like Proverbs. If you read Proverbs every day, if you want wisdom, I mean, just read Proverbs every day. Change a different translation and this is what this does is it helps us to get rid of accusations and guilt and trash from yesterday that Satan keeps hammering us with. It shows us the power of the blood. I'm telling you, the day we're living we need to know what weapon is going to work and mouth an awful bunch of scriptures sometimes might not be I mean we gotta have that stuff on the inside of us and the blood of Jesus defeats him every time every time every time Satan is defeated every time with the blood I love it alright again before I let you go can you pray for the Flyover family we would really appreciate it father God we just come before you right now and these are your these are people that you love and you know every fiber of their being. You know every tear they ever cried. You know the pain and the confusion, the things that they're going through and you know the joys that they're experiencing. You know the desires that they have. And Lord you're the only one that can satisfy. Nothing can satisfy like you do. And Father I just reach out there through the power of the Holy Spirit into their minds, into their hearts, into their lives, into their families. Lord Stacy and me together. We just reach out there by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus, as you're sitting right now, interceding, praying for them. Lord, we believe that your will, your destiny, your purpose is being accomplished right now in their lives and you're encouraging them. Father, send them that word, that prophetic word. Send them that scripture. Send them that help that they need right now to say this is the way. Walk in it. This is the right answer. This is how you need to do it. This is the wisdom you've been looking for. This is the very answer and father send them encouragement. Hurt them up on the inside. Strengthen them with might in their inner man Lord and get their mind settled in peace. Peace. Lord you said that your absolute you would bruise the head of Satan with your foot of peace. Jesus you are peace. You are our peace. We speak peace and I command those storms and waves in their lives to be still so they can hear what you're saying to them in Jesus name. Let us go to the other side right now in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Glory to God. Amen. Whoo. So good. Ginger, thank you so much for joining us today. We really appreciate it. Again, Flavor Family go to Ginger Ziggler. com and also you can text four zero 5 zero 9. Text the letters G Z. We'll see you back here next time. Thanks again, Ginger. Hello, Flyover family. Join me every Wednesday for the Prophetic Report at 11eleven Central. You can find it on Rumble. You can find it on the Flyover app. We have such an incredible time of hearing from all of these different prophetic voices like Robin Bullock, Julie Green, Barry Woonch, Amanda Grace, and Hank Kuneman. Every week, it's either five or six different prophets that are speaking and what's interesting is God is speaking through them and all of these voices come together like Puzzle it is so exciting to hear what the lord is saying we're hearing from medical we're hearing from military intelligence we're hearing from the financial world we're hearing from mainstream media but the most important is what is God saying he is not falling off the throne he's not nervous he's not chewing his nails he is in control he has plans to prosper us and not to harm us what a great time to be alive and I'm so excited for you to join me every Wednesday at a 11. Alright, Flavor family. My name is Avery Whiteed. I'm the daughter of David and Stacy. I'm just moving in so I had to get an order for my pillow and get the things that I needed. So, let's look inside. I got some my pillow towels, kitchen towels. I got some of their geezer sheets. Now, I've never actually been able to use them but I've heard amazing things from my parents about them and last but not least, something for Charlie. Hey, Dolphin. Alright, Charlie. Let's go put this in the dryer and fluff it up for you. Come on, buddy. Nice and warm and fluffy. Perfect for my little guy. Come here, Charlie. Alright, if you want to get your own products, go to My Pillow. com and use promo code Flyover to save up to 66% off. Of This is a crazy time to be alive. Well, just in our lifetime used to be where you'd hear your grandparents talk about how cheap gas was and stuff and it was 75 years before, 50 years, you know, before. And so we've seen a lot of changes since Biden took office. $700 more a month. Then what you needed in January of 21 when he took office. You might hear these kind of things and think, oh, that's overwhelming. I can't control the government. I can't control what they're doing. I can't control the spending but we can take care of ourselves. You want to make sure that you're buying Boyon from somebody that you can trust and someone that does not charge you a commission when you go to sell. If there's going to be a commission, have it on the front end, not the back end when it skyrockets and now you're like, oh my gosh, look at this big, huge commission I gotta pay because it's on the back end before I sell it. You can buy an ounce of silver for $23 dollars. So, this is something everybody can get into and if silver goes to fifty dollars, if it goes to seventy-five, if it goes to a hundred. All of those profits are yours and that's happening while the dollar is buying less and less at the actual grocery store. So you can go to Flyover Gold. com. Fill out your information. When you do that, someone from Doctor Kirk's team will get a hold of you to set up a free consultation. It doesn't cost you any money whatsoever or to do the same thing, you can just call 720-6zero 5 3 nine zero zero. We hope you've enjoyed this episode of the Flyover Conservatives Podcast with David and Stacey Whited. Please subscribe, hit the notification bell, and leave us a comment below. Lastly, if you enjoyed today's podcast, share with those who came to mind. Be blessed and make it a great day.
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