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5 months ago

👇🏽Its All Perspective:

Shift from: Suffering → Pain/Acceptance → Gratitude

- It’s all about: Perspective - Perspective is a frequency filter

- As soon as you shift your perspective/story, you shift your frequency

- From Suffering/Victim mode: this is happening to me

- To Acceptance/Pain - I feel pain and I accept it-what is it teaching me?

- To Gratitude/Attitude: I know this is happening for me not to me. How is this working for me? I know in All things God/Universal Source Force is always working for me.

- We are All going to feel pain on earth-the question is how quickly can We utilize our tools and shift from suffering to acceptance to gratitude

- As soon as you can find the frequency of gratitude which is always there, you connect with your higher Self: the frequency gratitude and trauma can not co-exist

Follow and watch my previous videos for more wisdom.


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