Bashar's Urgent Prediction for Mankind – Realities are Beginning to Split – A 30 Year Reset

6 months ago

***This is GOOD! Darryl Anka (Bashar) - dives deep into the current state of our world, the splitting of realities, and the ever-accelerating pace of technological advancements.

Reality is beginning to speed up and split – there are infinite realities and parallel universes and we fluctuate in those realities all of the time. BUT – they are beginning to split and we will soon be on one singular reality.

A bit difficult to grasp, but very interesting perspective to ponder.

Interesting discussion about the Mandela Effect as in one reality Ed McMahon was working with Publisher’s Clearing House and actually went to people’s front door to deliver money to the winner. In this time, in this reality – Ed never worked with Publisher’s Clearing House.

My personal memories is that I definitely remember Ed McMahon working for Publishers Clearing House and going to people’s homes.

If you google search this now it says that Ed McMahon NEVER worked for and never was affiliated with Publisher’s Clearing House. I swear I remember the opposite.

We are entering the “Time of Choice” when we need to decide what “train” to get on and it won’t be long until we get this freedom to choose like this.

We are entering a 30 year Reset from 2020 to 2050. It is the resetting of humanity where one cycle ends and another one begins. We are now begin given opportunities to go in an entire different direction.

We never actually change the world we are on, we are constantly shifting to new parallel realities and parallel versions of Earth – the changes we see are not happening to the Earth we used to be on, that is gone, we are constantly shifting to a new Earth all the time. We are constantly shifting realities.

Time is a Side Effect of shifting through different realities that our consciousness focused on – like a projector going through frames on a film strip. It just happens so fast, we don’t see the blur.

Everyone experiences their very own version of reality.

We find ourselves in a time where the lines between technology and spirituality blur, where artificial intelligence isn't just a tool but a reflection of our collective consciousness.

As Darryl shares Bashar's perspectives, we are reminded that our technological progress is not separate from our spiritual evolution. It is a mirror reflecting the shifts that have already occurred within our consciousness.

"Your technological progress mirrors the changes that have already existed in your consciousness," Darryl explains. This insight is a reminder that our outer world is a reflection of our inner state. The rapid developments in AI and virtual realities are not merely advancements in science; they are markers of a deeper understanding that consciousness itself is the foundation of all reality.

As we explore the idea of parallel realities, Darryl elaborates on a fascinating concept: the "splitting prism." He describes how different versions of Earth coexist, each shaped by the collective vibrations of those who inhabit them. In a world where divisions seem to grow ever wider, this idea offers a new perspective.

It's not just about differing opinions or beliefs. It's about entirely different realities taking form.

"Eventually, you will no longer be close enough to the other reality to be able to see them anymore," Darryl notes, highlighting the profound impact of our choices and the vibrations we align with.

The Mandela Effect is recognizing the shifts in realities, you may be conscious of one thing in a certain “time period” and others may be conscious of something totally different in that same “time period” but that just means we were experiencing different parallel realities.

History is NOT the same in each parallel reality, that’s why two people can remember two completely different things.

Physical parallel realities are only separated by bandwidth, as our consciousness expands, so does the bandwidth, thus we experience and have memories of multiple realities.

It is like having a tv but you can have multiple channels presenting on the screen and you don’t have to change channels, you see multiple at once.

This will eventually crystallize into one, but right now there is “bleed through” there is overlap of realities.

When watching Star Wars – do you remember “Luke, I am your Father” – I do and we used to talk about it all the time and recreate it like this OR do you remember “No, I am your Father?”

Religion is like a “Permission Slip” that allows people to connect to something. It is like the middle man to connect to God or Source.

We don’t need that middleman – we can be spiritual and have a direct connection.

We are reflections of source ourselves, so why do we think we need religion to validate or verify it?

Religion deals with rituals and we don’t need rituals to have a connection with source.

We are using religion as a permission slip or a tool to connect to who we are.

Spirituality bypasses that permission slip and we can instantly connect with source without the ritual.

We can have instant “downloads” with all that is.

We are experiencing a reality right now in which things are getting so bad that humanity must make a decision to accept tyranny and just go with it or to actually do something about it. It doesn’t have to be like this. We have a choice and that is what is coming soon.

We have to be willing to make positive changes.

Bashar predicts that somewhere in the last of 2026 or somewhere in the beginning of 2027 there will be some sort of a UFO event that will let humanity know that we are not alone. This will be the true beginning of Open Contact.

This event will make the masses consider whether we are alone or not.

Introduction of ET’s to humanity may not be that far into the future.

The ET’s will give us our true history of this planet. What was real and what was myth will be revealed.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago an ET species came to Earth that we call the Anu or the Anunnaki in ancient Sumerian language. They came to mine for Gold for a particular reason that had to do with using it to balance out the climate on their climate which something had gotten out of balance.

It was a great task. The group that came here were not sizable enough to achieve the task in the time frame they needed to, so they needed help.

They used their very advanced genetic technology to infuse their genes into the natural hominid that existed on the planet at that time and basically created Homo sapiens – humans.

Homo Sapiens were used as workers to help them mine the gold.

ET’s were looked at like Gods because of their abilities and the sayings “Man was made in the Image of God.”

This group of Anunnaki were not supposed to do this. We were supposed to be left to evolve on our own. They accelerated all of that and changed all of that. This group was recalled because of doing this and the rest of the Anunnaki realized that they were responsible for human beings.

So they guided humans for a while and watched what we were capable of doing. Eventually they pulled back and had to see if we could make it on our own.

Darryl Anka says that the Bible is the humans describing their interactions with Extraterrestrials as “guides” to help us build a culture that we would ultimately be able to sustain and take our place among the ascension beings of the galaxy.

The history gaps will be filled when we have ET contact.

The transition will take multiple decades.

Darryl believe there has already been an exchange of technology and some guidance on how to use it.

Some people just won’t be able to handle it as it is so far from their imagination and belief system they have personally developed and they will go on into a different reality in which contact doesn’t occur.

We all have the ability to go into whatever parallel reality of Earth suits us personally and suits our souls path at that particular moment.

Is there a spiritual battle going on right now?

It is more that people are conceding to fear as opposed to love and it is more of an individual internal battle rather than an eternal one.

Everyone is on a path.

Sometimes we need the dark to see the light more clearly.

We chose to be here at this time of change on this planet. We are now seeing what we definitely do not want and what we prefer.

Our greatest power is the Freedom to Choose. We have Free Will to choose what we really prefer.

Life is our projection.

How we define it is how we experience it.

Creation supports whatever decisions and choices we choose unconditionally, whether that be a negative or positive experience.

Life works best when we just be our true selves.

What is God or Source Energy? It literally is All that is. It is EVERYTHING. There is no outside to it. It is everything and we are part of it.

What is Love? Unconditional Love is the Frequency of Existence itself.

What is the Purpose of Life? To Experience. We are all really ONE. I am you from a different part of view and You are me from a different view. We are all that is from all the different points of view.

So loving each other is loving yourself and loving yourself is loving each other.

Be your true self.

The hardest thing in the world is trying to be someone that you are not.

Life works best when we stay in a Positive State!

0:00 - Episode Teaser
02:27 - Why does the world feel more chaotic now?
04:48 - What are parallel realities, according to Bashar?
07:14 - Can two people experience completely different realities?
13:10 - How does AI connect to our spiritual evolution?
17:16 - What does Bashar say about consciousness and technology?
20:22 - Are spirituality and technology blending together?
21:12 - What is Bashar's perspective on upcoming elections?
24:25 - Are we going through a 30-year reset?
26:06 - How do parallel realities relate to time and space?
29:54 - Can AI prove the existence of parallel realities?
34:16 - Is the Mandela Effect evidence of parallel realities?
37:00 - What does Bashar suggest for economic challenges?
42:45 - How should we redefine abundance and support?
57:10 - What predictions has Bashar made about our future?


1. Next Level Soul Podcast – Alex Ferrari --

2. Darryl Anka as Bashar --

3. Darryl Anka –

4. What is Darryl doing –


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END. 8/22/2024 – 9:00 PM

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