Little Girl Can't Figure Out How To Eat Pizza

6 years ago

Welcome to a Throwback post! This video is a classic from our archives that dates all the way back to 1989, when America’s Funniest Home Videos first hit the airwaves. This was just before the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie came out, but pizza was already a craze in the United States. Which brings us to this little girl and her very confused way of trying and failing to eat a slice of cheese pizza.

It turns out that there a number of different ways to eat your pizza that might help this little girl. One way would be to go the safe but boring fork and knife route. It’s fine but pizza is all about holding it in your hands and feeling the Semolina crusted dough in your hands! Of course, there is the traditional fold in half style for more New York style pizzas. The little girl in this video probably should have tried that. We’ve also seen the roll the pizza up method or maybe should could have tried stacking.

My best recommendation for this kid is to eat it backwards. She could start at the crust and work her way up to that floppy, elusive point. Yes, crust first isn’t the traditional way to take down a pizza, but it does leave your last bite as one of the best parts of the pizza. Confession time: I eat pizza a little strange, but it’s how I like it. I like to rip the crust off the slice and eat that first. Then I eat the pizza normally point first down to the crust less bottom. I love eating pizza like this so I end with cheesy, pepperoni covered last bite.

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