James - Recap

7 months ago

As we close out our series on James, we’re embarking on a recap to keep in mind the key points of this book. We learned that we are to consider it joy when we encounter trials. they are opportunities sent by God so that we can demonstrate our spiritual maturity. We need a strong body of believers around us to keep us accountable and to help us develop that maturity.

In James 2, we learned that we shouldn’t show favoritism based on someone’s status. We are to view one another the way God sees us. Then, we moved right into “faith without works is dead”, one of the more misunderstood concepts in the Bible. It doesn’t mean that salvation is based on works, rather, the works show that faith is in action.

In James 3, we learned about guarding our speech. What we say makes an impression on the people around us. Our speech ought to match the faith we claim to have.

In James 4, we learned about edifying each other and not placing ourselves above others. This keeps us in a place of humbleness, which God will favor. When we are humble we are less likely to slander other people, which James also warns against doing in chapter 4. James 4 also reminds us that our life is short-lived like a vapor or mist. That thought is very humbling.

In chapter 5, James addresses the rich and corrupt rulers of that time. He warns them that God sees what they are doing and unless they change, there will be severe consequences for their actions. Then James switches his focus back to believers and finishes with exhortations on how to live in the world until the Lord returns.

As we close out this series, we hope it has been a blessing to you.

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