Can You See the Convergence?
World events are accelerating and the Church Age is coming to a close. America faces the most crucial election in a century. Pastor Jack Hibbs sounds the alarm. Don’t ignore all the signs that are now converging that herald the rapture of the church. Jan Markell and Ken Mikle host this segment.
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Absolutely, Pastor Hibbs, the Christian cannot sit out this election! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Pastor Hibbs is talking about the Paganism of the Democrats, but the Republicans are the same. Trump has recently dumped Pro-Life for more votes and declared himself the most pro-gay president in history in 2020. There were Pagan prays at the RNC. There is an ecumenical alliance on the Right of many different religions. Either way Blue or Red will lead to the Anti-Christ kingdom.
Followers of Jesus in these last days must step out of these worldly polarizations. We must realize that this World System is under the control of the evil one (1 John 5:19); that the rulers of this world are in rebellion against God (Psalm 2:2). We must realize that our hope is not in a “moral” political leader. “Moral” conservative Republicans will continue to lead us into the New World Order system of the Counterfeit Christ just as assuredly as a licentious liberal democrat. We ought to look to the New Testament for our calling and our purpose, realizing that our citizenship is in heaven (John 18:36, Philippians 3:20), not in this pagan World System.
Thankyou Jan and Ken. Another excellent podcast. Great to see Pastor Jack and hear of his success with ballot collection.
Excellent show - Pastor Jack is spot on.
Germany, France, Sweden, UK and Ireland are now islamic countries.
I love Jack Hibbs, but like many other Pastors, please quit saying the phrase, "The Return of Christ" when it comes to the Rapture, jesus is calling us hither at the last trumpet and the return of Christ is after the 7 year tribulation! This confuses young and non-believers and is not a good thing. LEASE STOP THIS NOW, in Jesus name, AMEN!
I concur with your comment, and understand what you are saying. Thank you for voicing this.
And thank you. What have seen being a heavily traveled Christian, is Pastors tend to deliver messages to mature Christians and not the unbeliever or new believer who can't decipher these things. I'm also a proponent of making everything simple and clear.
Jack is correct on this. Please look up his teachings on it. There is no confusion. There is the rapture and there is a second coming. These are 2 events, not one. The second coming is relative to the Tribulation.
You're not understanding what I'm saying and agree with that 100%. People say when Jesus comes referring to the Rapture, Jesus is NOT coming to earth for the Rapture. He is coming from the 3rd heaven to the first heaven and that's where me shall meet Him. Jesus does not come back to earth until the end of the Great Tribulation. So the phrase" When Jesus comes again", should not be used for the Rapture event, but for His Second coming!
Exactly! They should just say Rapture for the Rapture, period, and specify exactly what the Rapture is. Additionally, they should just say the Second Coming for the Second Coming, period (when Jesus comes/when Jesus returns), and specify exactly what it is. It's pretty simple, and straight forward in my mind. They are two separate events which need to be specified for those who don't understand the difference.
I agree with your comment but you did misinterpret what GAONEAL2 was saying.
I agree that it does cause confusion and would prefer that pastors say "Rapture" when they're speaking of the Rapture.
This is the “present evil world” described in Galatians 1:4
I see the convergence of the world in the church
God told Joshua and the children of Israel to destroy Jericho, women, children, animals, everything living must be killed. Archeologists found clay jars with baby bodies built into the walls of the ruins of Jericho. The people sexually defiled all living things and murdered babies to give those lives and blood to the false gods they worshipped. A very polluted people. The DNC did the same thing at their convention. They surrounded their building with the dead bodies of babies, they promote the perversion of peoples' bodies, perverted marriage, allows the sexual abuse children, allow the flooding of this nation with drugs, and break all the laws of this great land.
Johnathan Cahn writes about Ishtar in his book Return of the Gods - pretty eye opening.
What about the Blood Moons? Cahn is a con-man.
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Whatever I am occupied with is what will be the expression of my life. COVID 19, election and politics of 2024 and worldly things. “This is why Peter says, “Be humbled under the mighty hand of God having cast all our care (μέριμνα, merimna) upon the Lord.” He explains God is concerned for us because we have an adversary who desires to devour us through the occupation of the attention of our minds. Satan will use any goal, any ambition, any activity, or any material thing to occupy the attention of our minds so that we will not be receptive to God’s Word, and, consequently, unable to grow or be changed” Merimna Part Two ~ Matthew 6:24-34 - BTE Ministries Merimna Part Two ~ Matthew 6:24-34 - BTE Ministries Part two in our series on the Greek word μέριμνα (merimna, Strong’s 3308) and its verb form μεριμνάω (merimnao, Strong’s 3309). Focuses on the text of Matthew 6:24-34 ...
I guess Jack is okay. However....I wish they would bring on Father Mike Shmitz as a guest speaker as well. He's one of the most prolific Christians of our time. Father has done many pilgrimages to the "Holy Land." Father has spoken at campuses...different TV shows spreading the Gospel. He's amazing. Although priests our not our biological Fathers....they definitely earn the title "Father" a religious sense just from all the ministry alone! God bless you FATHER MIKE. 🙏
Why are you saying "God bless you Father Mike" on this site? Does Father Mike watch these videos? It would be great if he did. He'd learn a lot.
@SavedInVirginia So, if another person responds to you in a conversation you are having with someone else, that makes ME.....that person? What? Lol! Can't I just comment on someonelese's reply? I mean really, this happened on another channel when the person @commonsense replied to me on a post that YOU (SavedinVirginia) and I were originally speaking on, till @commonsense jumped on the conversation as well. So, your brain can't make a distinction, the concept of more people jumping on a conversation that originally started with 2 people? Please tell me you aren't that sutpid! Let me help you. So, there's Alex, for Alexander Toro, at least I call him Alex. Then there's Father Mike Shmitz, who every Catholic heard of as he's a prominent figure not only in the Catholic Community, but to many Christians in general. Then there's ME (Liberty Or Give Me Death!) So, to make things simple from now on... you can call me "BILL" AKA (liberty or give me death.) And here is Father Mike to illustrate the distinction that Father Mike (IS) an actual real person, and that I am not him. However, I do take your act of referring to me as Father Mike a compliment.... as he's the perfect role model of Christianity that we should all strive for. And here is Father Mike's Shmitz official channel. I posted a couple of videos I thought would address many of your concerns. Feel free to browse OTHER videos from his channel of course. But as you can see, there (IS) a person named Father Mike, and I am not him. Hopefully this should clear up some confusion for you. As for getting the true Gospel message, well, That's why I am Catholic!! Why should I trust the protestant's interpretations when protestants themselves can't even agree with what the gospel means? As for John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9, I agree and believe in all SCRIPTURE!
If you truly believed in all Scripture you would abandon the false teachings of the Roman "church." You say you believe in John 3:16, which clearly states that all that you must do to have eternal life is "believe." So, do you have eternal life?? You say you believe Ephesians 2:8-9, which clearly states that it is by grace that you are saved, through faith, and that it is not by works lest anyone should boast. So why, then, do you continue in your works-based religion of Catholicism? According to these verses, salvation is a gift. Have you accepted that gift? Or are you still trying to earn your way to heaven?
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@SavedInVirginia So, I don't mind getting into a debate with you on "Saved by faith" (Sola Fida) as I will win that topic as well. Then, I will add that to the scoreboard like I did with the other topics I won. But first, what happened to you defending "Sola Scriptura" from our last conversation? Heck what happened to you showing me in the "Catechism" that says Catholics pray the rosary to earn their salvation? You made that ridiculous claim that Catholics believe that, and then I called you out on it. However, you disappeared and avoided it. You got caught with your hand in the cookie jar! Again, since you cited from the catechism before ...for which you used the catechism in another podcast comment section ....then you should have no problem showing me in the Catechism where it references "Catholics should pray the rosary to earn their salvation." Unless of course, you made that up, then you are NOT..going to find it in there. Which is the case, by confirmation of your disappearing act, and onto another topic. But, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt to back up your claim still! 😉 Stop eschewing! I'm calling you out! And the other question again me in scripture, where scripture teaches or says, we are to only go by scripture alone? Show me in scripture, where it teaches or says that!! Once you answer those 2 questions, then we can move on to the topic of "Sola Fida." Not before. Stay on track!
Stay on topic ... do you have eternal life? If you do not have eternal life, not only are you not winning, you are lost. So THAT is the topic you should be focusing on, yet I notice you refuse to answer it. Either you trust in Christ for eternal life, or you trust in your own works and the "sacraments" of the Roman "church." Which are you going to trust? Scripture is clear: "He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him" (John 3:36). “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent" (John 17:3). “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life" (John 6:47 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever BELIEVES IN HIM should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). As for the Rosary, Catechism 971 claims that it is an "epitome of the whole Gospel." Where is THAT in Scripture?? In Matthew 6:7 it is written: "And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words."
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I'm staying on topic ... the most important topic ... do you have eternal life? I'm asking you personally ... do YOU have eternal life? Because you say you site Scripture which clearly indicates that if you believe/trust in Christ you will have eternal life. So, have you trusted in Christ so that you can assuredly say that YOU have eternal life?
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@SavedInVirginia And yet, you can't even show me in the bible...where scripture says to ONLY go by scripture. That's an awkward place to be in. Here we are going back and forth. We are repeating ourselves. You don't have to take accountability for your claims. That's fine, you do have free will. It's just I don't see the point of continuing if you aren't going to back up your claims.
ONLY Scripture is inspired by God, and since the canon of Scripture is closed, it is our ONLY reliable source of God's truth. "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Notice: No mention of the need for priests or pagan practices ... just SCRIPTURE! In fact, to add to or take away from Scripture is warned against. Revelation 22:18 reads: "For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." So either you accept what Scripture clearly states or you believe the lies of Roman Catholicism. Choose wisely.
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@SavedInVirginia So, although (2 Timothy 3:16-17). tells us that all scripture is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete... That is NOT saying that scripture is the (ONLY) source for rule and faith! No biblical passage teaches that Scripture is the formal authority or rule of faith in isolation from the Church and Tradition. Sola scriptura can’t even be deduced from implicit passages. Again...2 Timothy 3:16-17 does NOT say....scripture is the just teaches THAT....... ..... what's IN profitable...for instruction. So, that verse does not help you. You need a verse that says.. (In regards to the rule of Faith....anything OUTSIDE of scripture is to be rejected") BUT IT DOESN'T SAY THAT. DOESN'T TEACH THAT! Once again, Show me that juicy bible verse that says we are to ONLY go by scripture alone! ................. If ....... .......... you reply back with OUT that passage that ILLUSTRATES that... then Sola Scriptura is self refuting!
@SavedInVirginia All right, I need to jump in. It's simple. If you are making a decision to Only go by scripture only, then scripture needs to show...."Go by scripture ONLY!" That being said, where's that verse?
Why do we have to choose a “lesser evil”? How about no evil at all? You guys need to listen to your friend JB Hixon.
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The last days (which began at Pentecost) are characterized by apostasy. There will be no last day's revival. Jack says the demise of the U.S. will be because the church is failing to use its God given talents. I thought talents was money. Excerpt: "Don’t get caught up in the polarization and manipulation going on. You are set apart. Be an ambassador for Christ. I’ve been warning against the political manipulation of professing Christians for almost 30 years. This is the most sudden and sweeping example that I have observed. There is nothing more important than who Jesus is and what is the Gospel that saves. Two Mobs – There are two mobs going at it. One is yelling, “We want Barabbas!” The other is yelling, “We have no king but Caesar!” After a while they switch. But they’re still going at it… driven by anger incited by the propaganda of demagogues. Ambassadors for Christ do not join the mobs. They represent the true King with eternal priorities. “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” Colossians 3:1-4 When it comes to times of uncertainty regarding how to proceed in society, we set all relevant scriptures side by side and pray for wisdom as to how to obey the Lord… in the world, but not of the world. Hebrews 10:24-25, Romans 13:1-4, Philippians 2:4, Acts 5:29 The whole world is under the control of the evil one (see 1 John 5:19). And this has nothing to do with republican or democrat, liberal or conservative."
Another excerpt: And yet, God still works His purposes through civil government (see Romans 13). We should honor and obey federal, state, and local governments. We should not be deceived by political agendas and demagogues to disobey God by disobeying the magistrates. Jesus said, “And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.” Matthew 5:41 Religion is used by the rulers to manipulate and use people politically. Biblical freedom and political freedom are not the same thing. Movements Melt Minds. We have a lot of very strong convictions in many areas of life, and yet we don’t consider ourselves to be a part of any movement. We’re called to be in the world but not of the world. Movements have a tendency to become their own religions with their own doctrine and agendas. They tend to become the controlling influence in their followers’ lives. Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.” Matthew 16:23 Politicized piety occurs when Christians are stirred up to demand their rights before Caesar instead of following the priorities of the New Testament. There’s a difference between Paul appealing to the authorities regarding his citizenship for the sake of the Gospel versus organizing Christians, other religious people and political conservatives to demand their rights. We should follow Paul’s example. I recommend that Christians not allow themselves to be manipulated and mobilized for worldly political agendas. There are many things in this subject that are disputable matters and that Christians can reasonably disagree about. The starting point is to examine what the New Testament says about our relationship with civil government and what it does not say; and what the NT says our priorities should be vs what worldly agendas do to distract from those priorities.
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Talk about propaganda!
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Propaganda? Please explain
The title in your link -- "pandemic-propaganda-manipulating-christians" -- says it all. The "pandemic propaganda" was perpetuated by government entities and men like Dr. Fauci who used a lab-enhanced virus to scare the public into wearing face masks which provided NO PROTECTION whatsoever from the microscopic virus but only served to alienate people, and to accept an experimental injection masquerading as a vaccine. Either you do not have the discernment to recognize that the propaganda and manipulation of Christians is coming from those entities who push mask-wearing and experimental injections, or you yourself are trying to manipulate Christians on these sites.
Did you read the article? Are you above correction? None of us knows it all but we should be willing to be open for correction. I also believed as you did. Thankfully the Lord corrected me for spreading rumors and slandering others. If you are on a jury, do you just look at one side? or do you take all the evidence together and make conclusions based on facts in a case? You have already chosen those which you agree with and are not open for correction.
The "other side" is being blasted from the roof tops on every major "news" network and from every federal agency. I've had enough of their lies. On the other hand, finding the truth requires effort, which, thankfully, I was able to find in sources such as Dr. Robert Malone, Naomi Wolfe, Dr. Peter McCullough, and Frontline Doctors. I suggest you look into the facts and evidence that prove that you've been lied to.
You find America's Frontline Doctors to be reputable, and yet, look at this malpractice suit: Malpractice Suit In 2023, the estate of Jeremy Parker sued Medina Culver, D.O. and AFLDS, charging that Parker’s death at age 52 was caused by the negligence of Dr. Culver and by falsehoods spread by AFLDS. According to the complaint: America’s Frontline Doctors made false claims about COVID-19 vaccines efficacy and safety, and promoted paid telehealth consultations with “AFLDS-trained” physicians that would prescribe medications claimed to be COVID-19 treatments. In 2021, believing what he heard from AFLDS, Mr. Parker contacted AFLDS to obtain a supply of hydroxychloroquine to use in case he developed COVID-19 symptoms. He was connected to Dr. Culver who conducted a telemedicine visit and prescribed the drug for him for COVID-19 treatment or “preventive therapy.” In late January 2022, Parker began having cold-like symptoms that he thought might be due to COVID-19. His dead body was found a few days later. A medical expert who evaluated the situation concluded that Parker’s death “to a reasonable degree of medical probability” was caused by the ingestion of hydroxychloroquine prescribed by Culver [21]. In June 2023, the court denied a SLAPP motion to dismiss the lawsuit [22] I'm not going to comment further to you since we both are convinced about our sources for truth. There is no point in going around in circles. I also was using those you referred to until I began looking into the "other side".
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