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Can You See the Convergence?

6 months ago

World events are accelerating and the Church Age is coming to a close. America faces the most crucial election in a century. Pastor Jack Hibbs sounds the alarm. Don’t ignore all the signs that are now converging that herald the rapture of the church. Jan Markell and Ken Mikle host this segment.

Message Resources:

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  • Absolutely, Pastor Hibbs, the Christian cannot sit out this election! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • The Christians won’t be to blame for the upcoming election! THE POWERS THAT BE CONTROL BOTH SIDES! THEY’RE GOING TO PUT IN PLACE WHO THEY WANT! WE WILL BE COMMUNIZED BY 2030! WAKE UP!

  • Pastor Hibbs is talking about the Paganism of the Democrats, but the Republicans are the same. Trump has recently dumped Pro-Life for more votes and declared himself the most pro-gay president in history in 2020. There were Pagan prays at the RNC. There is an ecumenical alliance on the Right of many different religions. Either way Blue or Red will lead to the Anti-Christ kingdom.

  • Thankyou Jan and Ken. Another excellent podcast. Great to see Pastor Jack and hear of his success with ballot collection.

  • Excellent show - Pastor Jack is spot on.

  • Germany, France, Sweden, UK and Ireland are now islamic countries.

  • I love Jack Hibbs, but like many other Pastors, please quit saying the phrase, "The Return of Christ" when it comes to the Rapture, jesus is calling us hither at the last trumpet and the return of Christ is after the 7 year tribulation! This confuses young and non-believers and is not a good thing. LEASE STOP THIS NOW, in Jesus name, AMEN!

  • This is the “present evil world” described in Galatians 1:4

  • I see the convergence of the world in the church

  • God told Joshua and the children of Israel to destroy Jericho completely....men, women, children, animals, everything living must be killed. Archeologists found clay jars with baby bodies built into the walls of the ruins of Jericho. The people sexually defiled all living things and murdered babies to give those lives and blood to the false gods they worshipped. A very polluted people. The DNC did the same thing at their convention. They surrounded their building with the dead bodies of babies, they promote the perversion of peoples' bodies, perverted marriage, allows the sexual abuse children, allow the flooding of this nation with drugs, and break all the laws of this great land.

  • Johnathan Cahn writes about Ishtar in his book Return of the Gods - pretty eye opening.

  • Whatever I am occupied with is what will be the expression of my life. COVID 19, election and politics of 2024 and worldly things. “This is why Peter says, “Be humbled under the mighty hand of God having cast all our care (μέριμνα, merimna) upon the Lord.” He explains God is concerned for us because we have an adversary who desires to devour us through the occupation of the attention of our minds. Satan will use any goal, any ambition, any activity, or any material thing to occupy the attention of our minds so that we will not be receptive to God’s Word, and, consequently, unable to grow or be changed” Merimna Part Two ~ Matthew 6:24-34 - BTE Ministries Merimna Part Two ~ Matthew 6:24-34 - BTE Ministries Part two in our series on the Greek word μέριμνα (merimna, Strong’s 3308) and its verb form μεριμνάω (merimnao, Strong’s 3309). Focuses on the text of Matthew 6:24-34 ... https://bteministries.org/gcs/merimna2/

  • I guess Jack is okay. However....I wish they would bring on Father Mike Shmitz as a guest speaker as well. He's one of the most prolific Christians of our time. Father has done many pilgrimages to the "Holy Land." Father has spoken at campuses...different TV shows spreading the Gospel. He's amazing. Although priests our not our biological Fathers....they definitely earn the title "Father"...in a religious sense just from all the ministry alone! God bless you FATHER MIKE. 🙏

  • Why do we have to choose a “lesser evil”? How about no evil at all? You guys need to listen to your friend JB Hixon.

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  • https://youtu.be/u5YCa3-u0yM?si=t7aLhBLUUzvKeXsd

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