They are deliberately winding you up. Inciting you. YOU must rise passively. Organise.

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The migrant invader aka assailant that slashed stabbed an English man in Birmingham over the weekend has been charged with a misdemeanour.

The offence of wounding is defined in section 20 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 (OATPA 1861). It states that someone who unlawfully and maliciously wounds or inflicts grievous bodily harm (GBH) on another person is guilty of a misdemeanour. The prosecution must prove that the accused: Wounded, Inflicted GBH, and The wounding or infliction of GBH was malicious and unlawful. With intent section with aggravating factor carries a life sentence. section 20 is lesser offence.

If this invader was not in England this offence would never have happened. Who let him in? The British regime. The regime is your enemy.

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