Educational Purposes Only..!

7 months ago

There is some kind of tech actively synching with people's brains.... First timers report it as pressure on the forehead and then external voices come in.... Reports like this are coming in worldwide and is what happens to NPC's before the full takeover.... Protect yourselves with shielding and understand that this phenomenon is a real threat to each and every person out there....

Know Who The Real Enemies Are, Corruption And Criminalization’s At Its Highest And Finest..


🚨 #PayAttentionAndListen #IfYourMindProgrammedThisNotForYou #ThisTheInformationTheyDontWantUsToKnow #WeInAInformationalWarefareRightNow #WeInASpiritualWarefareRightNow #DontBeASheeple #DontLetThemDistractYouFromWhatsReallyHappening #WeStillInModernDaysSlavery #FuckTheSystem #FuckTheElites #TruthOverRich #FactsOfOurLifes 👁✊🏾👍🏾💯

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