Rainy day – DIY Plash-Palatka real-world test on the Lynx Trail Finland, more infos on Wetterfleck

6 months ago

So far the Plash-Palatka became a very useful item to be used as small tarp to cover my DD-Hammock over several nights as small Bushcraft shelter, but it had to start raining eventually too, on my hike along the Hämeen Ilvesreitti, Häme Lynx Trail in Finland where I found cover in a BBQ shelter for a few days, but had to move on nevertheless anyway regardless of the wet conditions.
So my DIY Plash-Palatka had to prove itself for reliability for me in wet condition as well, to keep it as a permanent piece of kit in my Rucksack.
By walking fully loaded with my woolly DIY Loden Rucksack for 12mils in constant rain this Plash-Palatka actually did a very good job and yes it's proved to be worth to keep it, I'm very happy that I had this slightly underestimated piece of highly mobile 2x2m shelter Poncho-Tarp with me, to keep me and my pack fairly dry hiking for the next cover out of the rain and missable.

Follow the "Poron Polku" Loppi trail along at some sections, which going parts wise together with the Häme Lynx Trail before getting to the next shelter on my way.

Additionally, there are some more review details and infos about the Hubertus-Loden woolly Wetterfleck which I forgot to mention in my previous video explaining what a Wetterfleck actual is and where it is used for..

Furthermore, my Khukuri became very handy for chopping larger logs to make a fire to dry my kit off more easily, a short demonstration on how to use the Khukuri.

Webpages - Link recommendation:

5160 Raw Kukri (Forged To Serve) the former Farmers-Kukri which I'm using:

Hubertus Loden:
Wetterfleck: http://shop.hubertus-gmbh.de/kat/Jagd_Wetterflecke-Lodenkotzen
Wetterfleck Schwarzenberg, the one I'm using in stone grey, found in the new Hubetus-Loden web-shop:
Old Web-shop:

Tree T-screws:
Boots felt-inlay soles, using the 5mm thick version:



Since this video is attracted quite some attention over the last year, with a lot of views, specially regarding the pattern of the Palatka, I would like to share a link to the original Soviet field manual published in 1942
contains 34 pages about the Plash-Palatka cloak tent, Page-by-page: https://viewer.rsl.ru/ru/rsl01005261770?page=1&rotate=0&theme=white which showing the cloak in great details.
Another good source for the pattern can be found here: https://forum.ww2.ru/index.php?showtopic=6583 if you are only after the pattern drawings to make your own DIY Plash-Palatka.

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