Caribbean Tigers vs New York Strikers | Match 24 | The Final | MAX60

6 months ago

Live: Caribbean Tigers vs New York Strikers | CT vs NYS Live Final Match Max60 Caribbean League 2024 | max60 caribbean league live caribbean tigers vs new york strikers final match | max60, max60 cricket, max60 caribbean, max60 caribbean league 2024, max60 caribbean league live score, max60 t10, max60 caribbean league, max 60 league, max60 t10 league live, t10 league live match, t10 league live streaming, t10 league live match today, t10 today match live, t10 match live today, t10 cricket league live, caribbean tigers vs new york strikers live max60 t10 caribbean league live, max60 caribbean league live score and commentary on cricket live hindi by divakar mishra and shashank tyagi. ct vs nys live, ct vs nys live match, ct vs nys live score, caribbean tigers vs new york strikers live match today,

Final of the Max60 Caribbean, Cayman Islands Season 1, 2024 has Caribbean Tigers taking on New York Strikers at the Jimmy Powell Oval, George Town, Grand Cayman on August 25th, 2024 at 10:00 PM IST. Caribbean Tigers have played 8 matches in the series and will be looking to strengthen their hold of the top spot, while New York Strikers have played 9 matches in the series and they will be looking to strengthen their hold of the top spot.

New York Strikers (NYS) Squad: Denesh Ramdin, Thisara Perera, Isuru Udana, Colin Munro, Troy Taylor, Carlos Brathwaite, Chandrapaul Hemraj, Kennar Lewis, Angelo Perera, Alessandro Morris, Muhammad Waseem, Matiullah Khan, Mitchell Owen, Ansh Patel, Akhilesh Reddy, Brandon McMullen, Kendel Kadowaki-Fleming, Muhammad Jawadullah, Akshay Naidoo and Davion Codner

Caribbean Tigers (CT) Squad: Suranga Lakmal, Chris Lynn, Ashley Nurse, Michael Leask, Andrew Tye, George Munsey, Sacha De Alwis, Nick Hobson, Patrick Dooley, Brad Currie, Josh Brown, Kobe Herft, Romeo Dunka, Cameron Hemp, Thomas Draca and Antwan Ifill

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