Minnesota Fair Goers Traded In Corn Dogs For 'Never Walz' Fans

3 months ago

Posted • August 25, 2024: There has been a long line over at the Never Walz booth at the Minnesota State Fair all day today. 🔥🔥🔥 Even his home state doesn't like him. Mr. Kyle L. @MrLindblom: “I’ve gotten a high 5, several thumbs up, a bunch of “like your sign” & given directions to a dozen people on where to find them.” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GV24XPyWQAE5Ygf?format=jpg&name=large -- Those are some great fans. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Minnesota Fair Goers Traded in Corn Dogs for 'Never Walz' Fans

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