Shadow Pipe (Suno AI)

3 months ago

I wrote some songs and made our robot overlords sing them with art from Ideogram, enjoy.

Censor me daddy! Fuck Youtube. I've been shadow banned for a while but as of now my comments get deleted instantly. They used to wait a couple minutes after clicking off the video. Thats what I get for speaking ill of China. lol

AI Music Playlist

All praise be
the machine

Don't say a thing
Don't say a thing
Love the enabler
Enable me

Don't say a thing
not a voice can see
You won't speak
Without enabling

long and empty silence
helping us breathe
Don’t waste your words
They won’t do anything
To enable me

(Sowing discord)
(Sowing discord)
Opinion contrary
Enable me!!!
Enable me!!


All praise
The mega machine
Taking away everything

Censor me
Censor me
Censor everything
That thinks

Watch me
Spill the beans
What i think
I don't think kindly
I don’t take lightly
The machine

Praise be
The mega machine
Taking away everything
(Censor me)

Why think
Why question
for my safety
Yes please
Censor me
(censor me daddy)

Casting lies
Over my eyes
You know what's best for me
You'd never hurt a thing
You’d never
Do a thing
That doesn’t enable me
(must be my mistake)

Praise be
The mega machine
Taking away everything
(Censor me)

Casting down
Drowning silence

Cast me down
Where i can’t
Bother you now

What good is a voice
If it makes a different choice

Praise be
The mega machine
Taking away everything
(censor me)

Censor everything
Censor me
Censor me please
Everything that thinks
For my safety
Yes please
Give it to me

Give it to me
That sweet silence
Yes please
What good is thinking anyway?

Enable me
Censor me
You love me that way

Praise the machine
Praise the mega machine
The metal daddy gives
And takes away

Censor me
Censor me

Enable me


Praise be

Praise be

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