Ancient Egyptian stone artifact. 🤔

2 months ago

This is a video shot by an Egyptian man who found this artifact under his house. The stone boils water, disables electrical appliances, and is also absolutely not showing up in the mirror.
If i was to guess, those are all reactions of magnetism. Some kind of high powered magnet. Judging by the looks of it, I would say this is a stone made out of clay, with some sort of electro-magnetic properties.
It is an older video which has recently resurfaced on the internet, I saw this before... Something is telling me that they didn't have money for CGI, but they do have some very interesting artifact and better keep quiet so they don't get "suicided".
About the photo:
Before his death, Slobodan Milošević gave a farewell speech, in his address to the people of Serbia, he said that not only will it be forbidden to tell the truth in the future, but it will also be forbidden to think, that is, to have one's own opinion.
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