Adorable Old Dogs Relax On Front Porch Rocking Chairs

6 years ago

There is something about watching dogs pretend to be humans that will always bring a big smile to my face. It just brings me joy. I’m hoping that it brings you some measure as happiness as well because this video is all about a pair of older looking dogs hanging out on a front porch. It looks to me like an old Southern couple just whiling away the day enjoying warm afternoon on their rocking chairs.

Supposedly, Benjamin Franklin is credited to with the invention of the rocking chair. I personally had not heard that before. However, according to one article we read many historians trace the origin of the rocking chair to the early 18th century (the 1700s) when Franklin was a child. If Franklin was as genius as we believe perhaps he did invent rocking chairs as a kid. It’s possible. The earliest known versions of the rocking chairs are traced back to 1725 in England. Early rocking chairs were made from wicker and had some very interesting designs. You should totally Google early rocking chairs after watching the video below.

There are a number of different styles of rocking chairs. These include bentwood rocking chairs which involves wood that is wetted until it can be shaped in to the forms that you want. We have not seen this one before but apparently in the 1920s folding rocking chairs became super popular in the United States and Europe. I don’t think I have ever come across a folding rocking chair. There are also the Maloof rocking chairs that have the famous ski looking rockers. I think those are the ones most people are familiar with today.

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