Blessed Is The Nation Whose GOD IS The LORD

1 month ago

"Blessed is that nation, whose [a]God is the Lord: even the people that he hath chosen for his inheritance." (Psalm 33:12)(1599 Geneva Bible)

"They that love thy law, shall have great prosperity (peace), and they shall have none hurt." (Psalm 119:165)(1599 Geneva Bible)

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (His Word in the flesh), that whoever would believe in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)(NKJV)

For far too long too many have been satisfied to live in bondage believing themselves to be living in freedom so than when actually freedom is put before them they choose to rebel rather than embrace that freedom.

God is bringing a great reset that is for our benefit; His children; those who choose Him and desire what He has in store for them. This is the "eighth day"; the day of reset which only the HIGH PRIEST, JESUS, could do for man. This is the day we accept or reject; believe or deny Jesus as our HIGH PRIEST and KING.
Aloha & Shalom!

*(Scripture References: Psalm33:12; John3:16; Romans1:16-17; Romans2:10-11; Romans8:14-17; Ezekiel 43:27; Psalm 119:165; Matthew 5:17-18)

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(I Mau Lawai'a Kanaka)

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