WarRoom Force Multipliers Alliance (WFMA) CALL TO ACTION LIVESTREAM

Streamed on:

The Power to Make a Difference Lies in Our Hands

8 - 9 PM EDT, Sunday, Aug 25

1. talk.donaldjtrump.com
a. Battleground States
2. TPAction app

Trump Pride
1. Stand Outs
2. Yard & Balcony Signs
3. Car Signs
4. Caravans
5. Hand Outs

Jobs for Working Battleground
1. Trump Campaign
2. TPAction
3. Early Action Vote

Volunteer for Election Day in Big Cities
1. Poll Watchers & Workers
2. Volunteer to Help Local Clerk's Office
3. Big Cities in Blue Areas Need Republican Committees, Precinct Committees
4. Start Coalitions

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