Episode 14: Does Political Representation Make Sense?, with Gerard Casey

6 months ago

An interview with Dr. Gerard Casey about his article "The Indefensibility of Political Representation." Dr. Casey introduces himself and recounts how he became a libertarian anarchist. He speaks about the idea of legitimate command and various options proposed to justify the state's supposed authority. He summarizes some of his examination of political representation from his article. He also talks about what real democracy was like, and closes with a reflection on caring for the poor in a free society.


00:00 Start

00:32 Episode description
Article discussed (25 min read), *"The Indefensibility of Political Representation"* by Dr. Gerard Casey : https://mises.org/library/indefensibility-political-representation
Audio presentation (18 mins) : https://mises.org/library/which-be-master-indefensibility-political-representation

01:51 About Dr. Casey
Academia page: https://ucd.academia.edu/GerardNCasey
Interviews by Dr. Casey: https://www.youtube.com/@caseyinconversation6380
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Casey5122dark

05:18 Libertarian conversion
_The Theory of Money and Credit_ by Ludwig von Mises : https://mises.org/library/theory-money-and-credit

10:07 Principles of legitimate command

15:11 Options proposed to justify the state
The main option in the West today is the idea of "representative" democracy which is equated with self-governance

17:54 Hannah Pitkin's analysis and the basic incoherence of political representation
_The Concept of Representation_ by Hanna Pitkin : https://www.amazon.com/dp/0520021568?tag=kerrybaldwin-20

25:44 Inevitable bureaucratic obstacles
BBC2's "Yes Minister" : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yes_Minister

29:46 Actual democracy and sortition
_Against Elections_ by David Van Reybrouck : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1847924220?tag=kerrybaldwin-20
Jury nullification: https://fija.org

37:24 Let The Poor Starve?
Paper by Dr. Casey: https://reformedlibertarians.com/let-the-poor-starve-gerard-casey/
Also see How Govt "Solved" The Healthcare Crisis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFoXyFmmGBQ&list=PLwrDNUO5MDu95jfsFdfN2oe8vXQ6Cma-h&index=7

Books by Dr. Gerard Casey:
(2012) _Libertarian Anarchy_ : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1441144676?tag=kerrybaldwin-20
(2013) _Murray Rothbard_ : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1441100792?tag=kerrybaldwin-20
(2017) _Freedom's Progress? - a history of political thought_ : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1845409426?tag=kerrybaldwin-20
(2019) _ZAP - free speech and tolerance in light of the Zero Aggression Principle_ : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1788360176?tag=kerrybaldwin-20
(2020) _After MeToo_ : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1788360273?tag=kerrybaldwin-20
(2021) _Hidden Agender_ : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1788360583?tag=kerrybaldwin-20

Also see Episode 7: Can Libertarians Be Conservatives? : https://reformedlibertarians.com/007

The Reformed Libertarians Podcast is a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute: https://libertarianchristians.com/ and a member of the Christians for Liberty Network: https://christiansforliberty.net

Audio Production by Podsworth Media - https://podsworth.com

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