Visiting Reiner Fuellmich & Witness removes sting from charges during 26th hearing (English spoken)

7 months ago

Witness Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab confirmed on Friday, August 23 in court, that German lawyer and Corona Ausschuss co-founder Reiner Fuellmich had secured the money he had borrowed from the organization to prevent the German government from confiscating it, in accordance with the agreements.

The witness was asked to answer three key questions during the twenty-sixth hearing in the criminal case against the defendant. The questions related to the status of the loan Fuellmich had agreed with Corona Ausschuss, the nature of the loan agreements and Fuellmich's willingness to repay the money.

Although the witness, who had close ties with both the prosecutors and Fuellmich and acted as a mediator during the height of the internal conflicts, said he knew or could remember little, he confirmed Fuellmich's claim that the money invested in his house was considered by all parties at the time as a liquidity reserve and therefore should not, contrary to what his former colleague Viviane Fischer previously claimed, have been available at all times.

Djamila le Pair and Rico Brouwer discuss the above (English spoken), the visit to Reiner Fuellmich in prison and more in more detail during their online conversation, which took place on the morning of 24 August, the day after the controversial and unexpectedly long trial.

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