Contingency plan

6 months ago

A big chunk of disclosure is already here. As the deep state machine of tyranny is in its death throes.
I get a lot of my clips from telegram. Not all, but a lot. I sort through page after page. Scroll through tons of garbage. To try to bring the best of the best to the videos I post.
The guy who made telegram has been arrested in France. He does have a contingency plan.
Even if telegram were to go down. I would keep going. It would just be a lot more work.
I don’t know who comprehends all this. But That’s how all this works. And why telegram is so important to MANY truthers. Most don’t have any inside information. They just use social media and sort out what they find with there gut.
I save a hour of talking bull shit time. And just give what I find.
Because it’s not about me.
It doesn’t make it any less important. It just saves the viewer a lot of time.
We have already won. We’re just living out the last plays.
God bless.

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